You Are Not A Monster (Bucky Barnes X Reader)

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"Your hands are scarred from murder, and yet I trust them completely."

Monster by Imagine Dragons


You stand in front of the large window in your Quarters at the new Avengers Complex, the glistening of the stars and the distant planets like beautiful dots of light scattered over an inky black canvas.

The night sky has always amazed you, and now, after convincing Tony to power off all of the non-essential lights to the Complex after midnight, you can finally enjoy the view from your room in peace and quiet.

Shifting your weight from foot to foot, you allow yourself to smile softly, noticing the small red dot of the planet Mars above you as you chuckle softly.

"It's crazy to think that at one point, we thought travelling to Mars was the closest thing we'd get to science fiction."

Because now, you've met gods and people with far more incredible foreign super powers than your simple skills with a firearm and a knife.

Looking out your window, a feeling of realization falls over you as you realize just how small you are in a much, much larger universe filled with beings that are so much stronger than you - you're just a simple human being with some handy skills up her sleeve.

Laughing to yourself once more, you wander closer to the glass pane, tapping the screen mounted to the wall that opens the window as you near.

With a soft mechanical whir, a smaller portion of the glass slides back to reveal a tightly woven mesh screen, a rather chilly breeze blowing into your room and ruffling your hair slightly.

Murmuring to yourself, you hastily scrounge for some more covering, settling with the zip-up sweater you'd worn earlier today, slipping it onto your shoulders, your arms now covered as you silently pull your office chair closer to your lookout.

A rare feeling of peace begins to fill you as you simply sit there, your gaze wandering the stars while your thoughts begin to meander their own way.

This is nice.

I wonder if anyone else is up, enjoying a night as clear as it is right now.

With a shrug, you yawn, turning to check the time on the digital clock beside your bed, your eyes widening in surprise.

"It's almost two in the morning!" You hiss to yourself, annoyed with your carelessness. "Cap's gonna kill me if I'm not up in time for tomorrow's briefing!"

Rolling the office chair back to its spot at your desk, you quietly begin to scramble about, making sure all of your belongings are ready to go for seven a-m, your thoughts now a whirlwind of things.

Idiot. Idiot. Idiot!

See! This is what happens when you don't set an alarm and lose track of time!

Mumbling various curses under your breath as you slide your trusty sidearm into its holster you always keep hanging off the end of your bed, you hesitate momentarily, the atmosphere around you shifting slightly.

What the he-

A pained scream breaks through the silence across the Quarters wing of the Complex, followed by the sound of metal against metal, a few seemingly less or maybe more pained screams following quickly after.

Your heart begins to hammer in your chest as your senses heighten, the firearm that had previously been in its holster now live and loaded in your grasp as you dash towards your door, checking the lock.

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