Don't Make It Weird (Bucky Barnes X Reader)

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A/N: You already know I had to write something using this scene from Episode 5! His smile and his little wave... It makes my heart happy to finally see Bucky beginning to feel at peace!


The warm Louisiana sun beats down on your back, resting against one of the poles holding up the dock you're currently standing on, sipping a cold beverage and watching the your boyfriend chatter away to his friend.

"Y/N and I don't mean to make things weird for you and your family, really. We're already all set to hit the road in a few hours to catch a flight back to New York," You can overhear Bucky insisting to Sam, who just chuckles.

"You two won't make things weird, man," He grins, waving at your watching form from down the way over your boyfriend's shoulder. "I mean, unless you two decide to make things weird."

"No, never," Bucky smirks in reply, tossing you a grin before gesturing to the boat all three of you and everyone else around here had been working on all day. "Why don't you come and give me a hand with this? I could use your judgment."

"Oh, that's all I'm good for now? Judgment?" You scoff jokingly, following behind Bucky's much broader figure below the deck of the boat.

"That section there," He points out, gesturing to a mess of wires that looks like rats chewed holes right through. "I'd say they're busted."

"Don't jump the gun yet," You tease, nearing the bundle of exposed wires, examining them closely before turning to face the man standing idly at your side. "All I need is some electrical tape and a screwdriver... and maybe a pry bar!"

"I'll tell Sam," He nods, clambering back up the ladder, his voice following.

"Wilson! The lady needs electrical tape! You got any laying around?"


It had been one heck of a fight with those wires yesterday.

And even once you managed to untangle them all and figure out what goes to what, half of them still didn't work properly.

Needless to say, both you and Bucky were exhausted by the time you'd finished cleaning up everyone's dishes from dinner, insisting that since the Wilson's were letting us stay the night, that's the least we could do.

It hadn't taken either of you very long to get comfortable in the small living room Sarah had been kind enough to let you both crash in, conveniently fitted with two of the same couches, across from one another, separated by a coffee table.

The separation between you both didn't last long, with Bucky quietly moving the table out of the way and pushing the two couches together, almost making a makeshift bed.

Sleep came easy upon both of you, but when you awake to the sound of soft footsteps and laughter, you can't help but feel slightly alarmed.

Propping yourself up on one elbow, you cast your gaze around the small room, both of Sam's nephews playing with the shield that had been left sitting propped up against the doorframe yesterday.

"Hey," You whisper, gesturing to your boyfriend's still sleeping form and then back at the pair of kids.

Understanding, the pair of them hastily put the shield back into its bag and scurry off, leaving you and Bucky in peace and quiet.

It was rare that you're up before him.

Usually, he has a difficult time sleeping which results in him either waking up super early or not sleeping at all.

But in this moment, in such a delicate moment, with the morning sunshine filtering lazily through the blinds, the distant chatter and footsteps of everyone else in the house getting up and going for the day...

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