2 - a new life

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(y/n's pov)

Mom and I had bought a house about a 10-minute drive from the college she now works at and a 20-minute walk to my school, but I can take the subway.

I really wanted to make a good first impression on my first day so I picked out my outfit and left it over my desk chair for tomorrow. I wanted to make friends, not the popular kids, but not the weird nerds either, somewhere in the middle should be good.

I took a shower then had an early night to try and get some sleep between all the excitement was feeling!


(The next morning, y/n's pov)

My alarm woke me up early enough for me to get ready. I had decided to wear some straight-leg high wasted jeans with a cropped loose top and a belt, with some Nike trainers I got a few weeks ago.

(You can change how you look if you want, this is only my preference)

I straightened my hair and packed a hair tie just in case. I put minimal makeup on (literally just mascara) then had some breakfast and left.

The subway was pretty packed when I got on, which isn't surprising seeing as it was a workday. The closer I got to the school, the harder and faster my heart pumped, I was so excited, but also very nervous. What if no one likes me? What if I don't make any friends? What if I'm too much of a nerd or too prissy or something?

I pushed all my worries aside as the train stopped at my station. I climbed up the stairs and they led straight up to the school field. Wow. This was a big school, like super big. I took a deep breath and walked towards the entrance, keeping my head down and trying to find the office without too many 'who's the new girl?' looks.

A short, plump, black-haired woman sat in the office with her face in the computer in front of her.

"E- excuse me?" I hesitantly asked. She turned her head and looked at me above her glasses which were at the tip of her nose. She then smiled.

"How can I help you honey?" she replied.

"I'm y/n y/l/n, I'm new here. I was wondering if I could get my schedule?"

"Ah yes! I've been expecting you and you're right on time," she said as she grabbed my schedule from under the table. "I have appointed Michelle Jones who's a freshman too to show you around, I believe you have some classes together as well."

"That's great, thank you", I said. She motioned her hand towards the seats opposite the office and I sat down, only to see who I presumed to be Michelle come towards the office.

"Hey, are you y/n?" She said walking towards me. I stood up and awkwardly shook her hand.

"Yeah, hi! You must be Michelle," I said.

"Oh please, call me MJ, that is, if you wanna be friends?"

'Perfect!' I thought.

"Yeah sure, I'd love to," I gave her a smile then we started walking. She asked for my schedule and we compared classes, I had quite a few with her which was great, and we had lunch at the same period.

"So I'd love to meet your friends at lunch," I stated. She lowered her head.

"I don't really have any friends. There are these two guys, who are total losers who sit at the same table as me at lunch but I don't talk to them. I guess I just don't have much luck when it comes to getting close to people so I'm happy they chose me to show you around."

I smiled at her, 

"Me too," I said.

"So you're not like super nerdy, I mean not that being a nerd is bad just some nerds here are totally gross and weird," she chuckled.

"Well, my mom home-schooled me my whole life, she's a scientist, so I know a lot about a lot of stuff but I think I can say I'm not a 'gross and weird' type of nerd," I air-quoted, "I'm more of the quiet but clever type."

"Huh," she hesitated, "you might like the guys who sit at my lunch table then, I mean they're total nerds but kinda like you though so I guess you might get along. Do you like Star Wars?"

I gave a small laugh, "Um, yeah! If you don't you have a massive problem!" She laughed too.

"That's great, another thing you guys have in common. I'm starting to think you're becoming closer friends with them already, and you haven't even met them yet!"

"How come you know so much about them if you don't even hang out with them?" I asked, a little confused.

"I'm not obsessed with them I'm just very observant." She said quickly, not to have me make the wrong impression.

That makes sense. I was very much like her. A back-seater, keeping my head down from too much attention but also observing everything around me. I was also quite excited to meet these guys MJ wouldn't shut up about.

We were talking so much I didn't actually get to see much of the school before the bell rang for next period, but I wasn't complaining, I had fun talking to MJ and I'm sure I'll get used to the school pretty fast. We had next period English together, so we sat next to each other and had fun.

I didn't know I would fit in so fast to this new environment but I liked it a lot! This was perfect.

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