3 - perfect fit

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(Lunchtime, y/n's pov)

(Just a quick reminder that Peter hasn't gotten his powers yet, so I'm kind of making up what he's like based on the other Spider-man movies.)

The fifth period was lunch, so MJ showed me to the cafeteria and we sat down at her usual table. I didn't see the boys MJ was talking about there yet so they must be still in class or something. We sat down next to each other and almost immediately MJ said,

"Oh here they come," I looked up to see two boys walking towards us, the shorter one had black hair, dark eyes, and seemed to be quite friendly. The other was a teeny bit taller, has brown wavy hair and deep brown eyes and glasses, wearing a Midtown High sweatshirt and holding some books. Yep, nerdy.

"What-up dorks?" MJ said as they sat down few chairs down.

"That's Peter," she said, pointing at the one wearing the Midtown sweatshirt, "and that's Ned," she said, moving her hand across a little. "Do you wanna say hi?"

"Umm- yeah sure," I got up from my seat and sat nearer to them, and MJ followed.

"Guys this is y/n, she's new here." MJ introduced me as she saw I was a little nervous.

"Hi I- I'm P -Peter Parker," he said, his voice shaking a little, "and this is Ned".

"Yeah I know, MJ introduced you guys to me when you came over, that's why she was pointing if you were wondering," I explained.

"So MJ," Ned said, "I thought you didn't have friends," He looked sassy at MJ but she just kept a straight face.

"Oh so you're trying to bully me with the army of friends you have, uh, oh wait I don't see them, oh well," Ned lowered his head as Peter rolled his eyes but I just laughed. Then it went awkwardly quiet.

Peter broke the silence asking me, "so y/n, where are you from?"

"Well I was born in Chicago, but I grew up in Iowa, and I was home-schooled so I didn't get out much, but I learned everything from my mom who is a genius, but then she got a call for a job as a physics professor in a college in Queens and it was about time she got a job again, so we moved here and I came to this school where I met MJ and you guys and it's been really great, that's it really!" I let out a big breath, Peter, Ned, and MJ just looked very surprised at how much information came out of me at once.

"So what about your dad?" Ned asked. I looked down for a few seconds then looked back up and I saw Peter giving me an understanding smile. I guess he could tell.

"My father died in a scientific experiment just before I was born. He was a genius like my mother, loved science almost as much as her and he was very successful, that's why my mother hasn't had to work for so long, because of the fortune he left. But please don't think I'm a rich snob or anything, I'd hate that."

"We won't, and uh, I'm really sorry", Peter said.

"Please, don't. You have nothing to be sorry for." I gave him a reassuring smile and he smiled back. "I really don't know what else he could have taught me anyway, my mom has made sure that I'll one day be as good a scientist as he was, and basically did everything with me, from basic chemistry when I was little, to quantum physics quite recently."

"You understand stuff about quantum physics?" Ned asked, "That is so cool!"

"Well, I mean I can't invent time travel or anything, it's just really interesting to study!"

Peter looked at me with an impressed look on his face and I smiled back, he then shyly looked away. He ruffled through his bag and reached for his schedule and asked to compare it with mine. We had advanced chemistry together next period, as well as physics advanced computer science, and math. The four of us also had gym together which was cool, and I had art with MJ.

"So uhh, y/n, you wanna maybe, walk to class with me?" Peter asked all tensed up.

"Sure, Peter," I replied with a chuckle. He relaxed with a smile.

When the bell rang we packed our stuff and went to our next classes. Ned and MJ went their separate ways and Peter stayed with me.

"So um...what do you like?" He asked

"Well, I like Star Wars," I replied and Peter's eyes lit up.

"No way! I'm obsessed with Star Wars!" I chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, MJ said we'd get along well."

"She did?" he sounded surprised and blushed a little.

"Well we got talking and she said that 'the guys that sit at her lunch table', and I are quite similar"

"Huh," Peter smirked, then opened the door of our classroom for me as we walked in.

(Peter's pov)

I showed y/n over to where I sit where there was a spare chair next to me, well there were two chairs actually but I hoped she wouldn't notice my unpopularity. It didn't seem to matter to her either way, I don't think. 

She chose to sit to my right anyway then she got her things out and placed them very neatly on the desk. I was going to ask her more about her childhood and her education but my thoughts were cut across the teacher starting the lesson.

"Good afternoon freshman year, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas but you're back in school now so no need to waste any more time!" His voice went on and on, but all I could think about was y/n. She was so pretty, clever, had good style. I was planning on inviting her over for a movie but I think that was a bit soon, but then the perfect thing just happened.

"So for this project, you will all need a partner, preferably someone sitting next to you, I don't want much moving around the classroom. I want each of you to finish your work by next week when I will be collecting them," he rambled on.

'Great!' I thought. We could work together! I glanced back at y/n but she didn't seem to be concentrating. She was looking around at all the posters on the walls, observing everything and everyone around her. I really hope she was listening because I have no idea what this project is about.

I leaned over to her and whispered, "Hey, y/n, what are we meant to do again?"

She turned back at me and said, "Just a bunch of research on different gasses."

Okay, cool!

"Do you wanna work together?" she asked. I looked at her wide-eyed and smiling,

"Yeah, sure!"

"You probably want my number though right? Here you go." She passed me a note with her cellphone number on it. "You can give it to Ned and MJ too because I'm not gonna see them for the rest of the day."

"Okay sure, I will." This was going swimmingly!

The teacher finished up the lesson and we started to pack up and walk out of class. I caught y/n at the last moment before she left the building.

"Hey, so I'll um...text you or something yeah? About the project obviously, not that we would text about- um... sorry I'll shut up."  'Nice one Peter, real smooth'

"Sounds good," she said with a chuckle, "see you later Parker!" she said as she walked into the distance.

Sacrifices {Peter Parker x Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora