29 - bonding evening, part 3

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(The next day, y/n's pov)

"So did you talk to your mom about us?" Peter asked, walking me to my next class.

"Yeah I did, she said she's really happy that we're together," I said and smiled. He smiled back at me and put his arm around me.

The hallway was getting a little more crowded as the bell rang again, and we saw Flash come up to us.

"Won't you look at that? Penis Parker got himself a girlfriend," he laughed.

"Yep! And a lot faster than you, I see," Peter said. I was actually surprised he had the guts to stand up to Flash like that, but I loved it.

"He didn't even have to try, unlike some creeps," I said, smirking evilly at Flash.

He scoffed and walked past us, bumping into me on his way. I smiled at Peter and laughed a little, then we continued walking, leaving the rest of the people who were staring at us to be.

Peter left me at my art class and I sat next to MJ. We gossiped during the class, about boys, and books, and Peter and me. But I didn't want to annoy her with our relationship so I swiftly steered the conversation back to books.

It was really nice to have someone to bond with my age, about the things that I liked too. And I know I'd know MJ for quite a while, but I still enjoyed our chats.

The bell rang and I had a free period so I went to the library to study and listen to music.

The bell rang again and I went to my locker to put some books back. Then I felt a slight thump as Brad leaned against the lockers next to me.

"Hey, y/n. I know it's been a while but I didn't get to fully apologise for what happened at the party, that is if you remember anything," he said.

"I don't remember but I was reminded, and I'm still mad at you for it."

"Oh, come on. We were both drunk, I think you would have gone along with it if Peter didn't go all Prince Charming on you!"

"I thought you came here to apologise," I said, slamming my locker shut, and leaning on it facing Brad.

"And I have apologised," he came closer, "so are we cool?" He leaned in so that he was only inches away, I was very uncomfortable but I didn't want to make a scene.

I looked at Brad but his eyesight quickly moved to behind me. I suddenly felt a pair of hands on my waist turning me around, and I saw Peter. He put his hands on my face and kissed me. It was surprisingly hot, mainly because he was doing it out of jealousy and pride, but still hot.

He pulled away and let a deep breath out.

"Thanks, babe," I said, smiling a little.

"Uh- what? You're...with him?" Brad was very confused, and jealous!

"I'm sorry, did you have anything else to say?" I said. He gulped and tensed up.

"Uhh- no, no. Again, I'm sorry," he stuttered, then scurried away.

I turned back to Peter.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"I couldn't have him try to do anything to you again. I also wanted him to know that you're mine," he said and held my hands.

"Damn right I am! Let's go get lunch, yeah?"

"Sure," he said, then we walked towards the cafeteria where Ned, Betty and MJ were already sat at our table.

What a weird day! First Flash making fun of Peter for dating me, probably jealous. And then Brad being all creepy again, and Peter spontaneously kissing me. Brad definitely got jealous! I guess Peter and I were just stronger together.

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