10 - bonding evening, part 1

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(The next day at school, y/n's pov)

"Have fun, are you serious? He sounds like a complete douche!" MJ said, and I chuckled.

I explained everything to her and Ned when I got to school, about Toby and my mom.

"But Peter's right, about tipping him over the edge to see how bad of a temper he has."

"That's not the exact reason I think, but something like that, yeah," I corrected, kind of tired of talking about the whole situation now. I just wanted to get it over with, Toby's evening anyway, I was looking forwards to tonight with my mom!

I noticed MJ's gaze going otherwise, looking scarily at Ned as if trying to examine him.

"Thinking about Betty, are you?" She asked. He turned red again and stayed silent.

"Leave him MJ, it's ok to have a crush," Peter backed up.

"Oh yeah?" she replied, her voice slightly raised. "And who do you have a crush on Peter?"

"Wha-? I um, I didn't say I had a crush on anyone!"

"Yeah, but the fact that you supported Ned as if to sympathize with him because you know how that specific humiliation feels."

Peter paused and MJ raised her eyebrow.

"I supported him because I'm his friend, and we'd do anything for each other, including backing each other up if anyone mentions our cru-..." he paused, realizing what he'd just said. "Crushes," he murmured under his breath.

Huh! So MJ was right. Strange I hadn't noticed it before, having hanging out with Peter much more than her. I wonder who he likes?

MJ smiled and whispered, "I knew it," to herself.


(After school, Peter's pov)

I saw Y/n just as she was leaving through the gates so I caught up with her.

"Hey, y/n! So are you ready for tonight?"

"Yeah, I mean, it's just my mom and I, so it'll be fun. I'm more worried about tomorrow night."

I placed my hand on her shoulder to comfort her, hoping she wouldn't mind.

"You can worry about tomorrow night tomorrow. Just concentrate on how great tonight is gonna be, okay?"

She smiled at me, so of course, I helplessly smiled back.

"I like your advice, Peter, always sensible and optimistic." This gave me butterflies. "So, I'll text you tonight on how it went, or maybe tomorrow morning, I don't know. I'm just gonna have fun!"

"As you should!" I agreed. "See you tomorrow then!"

"Yep, bye Parker!"

Butterflies and an uncontrollable smile, again.

It was strange. Before I had my powers, I was so much more confident around y/n, I even planned on telling her how I felt. But now I feel like I'd be humiliated if anyone found out, even y/n.

It's like because of, well, Spider-man, I'm spending less time with her which makes the times we do hang out more special, making me happier to be around her. Which was a good thing I guess, but I just got so nervous if anyone mentioned it, even if Ned does I tell him to drop it. Nevertheless, I still liked y/n, I just couldn't tell her.


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