8 - meet toby

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(Y/n's pov)

The next day at school, everyone was talking about Queen's friendly neighborhood Spider-man. Where he came from? How he got his powers? Why he became a superhero? What was his real identity?

Just then Peter came from behind and scared me.

"BOO!" he shouted

"Oh my God, Peter! You nearly burst my eardrum!"

"Hehe, sorry."

"It's fine, why so excited?"

"Nothing, in particular, just a normal day."

"Okay Parker," I knew he secretly liked it when I called him that. "It's pretty crazy how obsessed everyone is over Spider-man, don't you think?"

"I mean, I guess so, just another typical superhero right?"

"Yeah, but he's not in the Avengers or anything which is quite weird."

"Well, like you said I'm sure Tony Stark is wayyy too busy to be looking out for new superheroes."

"Huh, yeah. Though, I'd like to know how Spider-man's webs work. I've studied him on some YouTube videos and it seems like he's manufactured some sort of wrist band to shoot his webs from."


"Right, yeah, web-shooters."

"Well, if you're lucky enough, maybe you'll bump into him and you could ask for an interview." Peter looked at me a little hopeful.

"I seriously doubt that Spider-man would have time for, or even want, an interview," Peter looked down and smirked. "Plus I'm sure there are many people, journalists, that would rather have an interview with him."

"True, but maybe he'd rather be interviewed by someone less likely to release it to the world."

"Huh...we'll see."

We reach the cafeteria, where MJ and Ned were already sat, though when I sat down, I noticed Ned looking slightly to my left. I turned to see that he was staring at a girl. I turned back and faced Ned.

"Who would have thought that Ned Leeds would be staring at Betty Brant?" He snapped back to reality when I said this and turned bright red.

"What, uh...no wha-  why would I be staring at Betty?" he stammered.

"I mean I totally get it, she's cute, clever, not too popular but still nice. She sits behind me in English if you're wondering how I know all this, anyway she's totally your type."

The whole table went quiet for a few moments.

"I totally agree," MJ said, clearly not being able to bear the awkward silence. Peter just gave Ned an encouraging smile and a raised eyebrow.

"Guys stop, she's totally out of my league anyways," he reluctantly said. We dropped it after, he was clearly annoyed at us.

I grabbed Peter's shoulder on the way out of the cafeteria to get his attention.

"Hey! So you wanna come over tonight? Hang out maybe watch a movie?"

"Uhh, I can't tonight sorry, May is uh...having her friends over and she needs help making...dinner!"

"Right, um, okay that's fine. Have fun!"


(About a week later, y/n's pov)

It was just another day at school for me, but for my mom, the old science division she was working with before my dad died was holding a science-tech conference in Queens. This was something she'd been looking forwards to for months and I was really happy for her.

When I got home I heard her talking to someone in the living room. I go over to see who it was and I'd never met this man in my life.

 "Oh hey y/n," my mum said with a massive smile on her face, "Toby this is my daughter, y/n. Y/n this is Toby Sinclair, he works in the same division as your father and I did, at the SDRC."

(Scientific Development Research Centre)

"Oh! Nice to meet you, Mr. Sinclair," I said as I held my hand out.

He shook it, "Call me Toby, please". He seemed nice, but if I didn't know better I'd say that he sounded a bit patronizing.

"Uh, I have...homework so I'm gonna...go. Have fun." I awkwardly said. I left the room and went halfway up the stair, listening in on their conversation. I couldn't really hear them but it sounded like they were having fun, well, my mom at least. She was giggling like a child!

I ran up to my room and lay on my bed. So many thoughts were going through my head. I mean, my mom quite a sociable person, but almost all of her friends were women, only her ex-coworkers were men I think. I was glad to see her so happy in the company of a man. Uh-Oh. What if they start dating? Will I lose her to him? What if he becomes more important to her than me? This can't be happening!



'I'm just overthinking, I'm just overthinking, I'm just overthinking.'

"Ughhhhhh". I said out loud. This was necessary.

I decided that I just needed a nap to put all my thoughts aside. At least it was a Friday so I had no school the next day just in case I slept in.


(The next day)

I woke up naturally the next morning, still in the clothes I was wearing the day before. I washed and changed into some sweatpants and a crop top then went to get some breakfast.

When I came down, my mom was already eating some pancakes.

"Morning honey," she said, with bags under her eyes. I guess she stayed up late with this Toby guy.

"So, how did you meet Toby then?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"Well, like I said yesterday, we met at the conference and got talking. He mentioned where he worked and I said that that's where I used to work, then we basically talked for the rest of the night."

"You like him then?" She coughed, almost choking on her water. "I mean, as a friend, obviously," I reassured. That's not what I meant, but I didn't want to be awkward.

"Oh, yes. He's very clever and kind and-"

"Funny?" I interrupted, "It just sounded like you were laughing a lot last night."

She turned red, "Um, yes he is very entertaining!"

"Hm! Good for you mom, I'm glad you're making close friends again."

"Yes me too!" She wiped her mouth with a cloth then got up and left.

"Hey?! Where are you going?" I shouted, going after her.

"Uh..." she coughed awkwardly, "I have a date."


"I'm sorry, a date?!"


"With who?" I asked, despite having already predicted her answer.


Just as I thought would happen. But I really didn't want to get in the way of her happiness, or romantic life or whatever, ugh, it grossed me out just to think of it!

I thought we were going to spend the day together, but no, she suddenly has other plans leaving me alone for a few hours, which will probably become a constant thing if this 'date' goes well. I hated to think of her ditching me.

After she left I texted Peter to ask if he wanted to hang out but he said he was busy, again. And I knew there was no point in asking Ned or MJ because they'd just make an excuse not to, so I just chilled at home by myself until my mom got back.

When she did she seemed very jolly. Obviously, the date went well which means I'll be seeing more of Toby. He didn't do anything wrong, I just got a bad vibe from him from when we met yesterday, so I wasn't particularly looking forwards to hanging out with him. But I wanted my mom to be happy, and if she was, that made me happy.

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