28 - clearing the air

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(Y/n's pov)

Mr Stark offered for me to stay at the Avengers tower to heal, but I thought it would be best to finally come clean to my mom.

He had his personal chauffeur, Happy Hogan, drive me and Peter home, and I kissed Peter goodbye as I left the car.

I took a deep breath then knocked on the front door to my house. It almost immediately opened and as my mom saw me, her face lit up and she embraced me.

"Ahh, aw," my wounds were hurting as she hugged me.

"Oh, honey I'm so sorry. Are you okay? What the hell happened to you? You're all bloody and bruised."

She took me to the kitchen and took out some clothes and began to clean me up.

"Mom, I have to talk to you."

"Okay, sure. Let's sit," she ushered me to the dinner table and sat beside me.

"I hate lying to you, and for the past few months it's all I've been doing."

"What are you talking about?" She didn't seem as mad as I expected, but I was very just so she had a little pity.

"But I'm not the only one that's been lying to you either. From the first time I met Toby, I knew there was something suspicious about him, but I didn't want to worry you so I pushed my thoughts aside. Well, it turns out I was right because on the night I spent time with him he got really angry at me and he punched me and he told me not to get in between his relationship with you."

Her eyes widened and got so much deeper.

"Every time I spend time with you instead of him, he'd send someone to beat me up, but if I ever told anyone about it he'd hurt you or my friends. And so I had to stay quiet, and lie."

"Darling I'm so sorry, I never knew," she started to tear up, and her hands were shaking a little.

"I didn't know how to get out of it, and so I just had to learn to live with it. I stopped using my phone, I was cautious about everywhere I went, except when I went to the party and he beat me up for it."

I held her hands to stop them from shaking.

"In the meantime, I became friends with Spider-Man, and I asked him to teach me to fight so that I can be prepared if I were to get hurt again. But the one time I thought I didn't do anything wrong, he kidnaps me, and experiments on me, leaving me mentally scarred.

Spider-Man save me and took me to the hospital but a week later when I thought I was better I wasn't. He took me to The Avengers tower, where I met Tony Stark, and his scientists helped heal me. But they also found out something else, and you might not like to hear this, but I would have found out sooner or later."

She looked up at me, worried as if knowing what was to come.

"The scientists found a DNA match in me to Tony Stark. He is my father," I said.

"I'm so sorry I hid it from you, y/n," she whales into my hands. "I just thought it would protect you from his stupid life of wealth and fame!"

"Hey, mom, it's okay. I understand why you did it."

She looked up hopefully at me.

"You do?"

"Yes! And he's actually a great guy! Now that he knows he has a daughter, he wants to spend time with me, but I thought I should tell you first."

"Thank you, y/n. For telling me the truth."

We smiled at each other, both crying at this point.

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