18 - training

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(The next day, y/n's pov)

Peter and I were walking down the hallway together, quiet but not awkward. It was the type of silence that was comfortable. Neither of us were talking, but we weren't avoiding anything either.

I had an idea about what I was thinking about last night. If I were to train myself a little, I couldn't just go to a self-defence class, Toby would most probably find out. I had to do something more, unexpected, and most definitely would not include signing up digitally or anything.

"How would one get Spider-man's attention?" I asked, breaking the not-awkward silence.

"What? Why would you want to get his attention?" Peter looked at me a little confused.

"It's nothing, just, I wanted to ask him something but I have no way of contacting him or a place to meet or something so the only idea is getting myself into trouble for him to notice me."

"Okay, definitely don't do that because it's just straight-up stupid."

"So what do you suggest I do then?"

"Well, go somewhere you think he'd go, maybe somewhere you've been before together, or somewhere high to get a good view of the city, maybe you'll see him."

"Actually, I have a spot that ticks both of those boxes, thank you, Peter!"

"Oh, no problem," he said.

I was thinking of the rooftop of the building he took me last time. I was aware of a fire escape to the side of the building so I'd climb up there to get to try and get Spider-man's attention, then he could take me to the roof.

I didn't mind having to hang around a little for him because the view of the city was amazing, even if I wasn't on the top, the building was quite tall.

So after school, I went home, and re-packed my backpack filled with things like a mini first aid kit (just in case), an analogue watch, a blanket and some food, and NO TECHNOLOGY! I couldn't have Toby find out what I was doing this time.

Luckily, no one was home to get suspicious of what I was doing, so I left a note on my mom's computer saying that I'll be out and that I'll get my own dinner but be back by 7 o'clock.

Then I put on my white and purple Nike shoes, grabbed a jacket and left.

About 10 minutes later I reached the building Spider-man took me a few weeks ago and climbed up the fire escape. I took the watch out of my bag and it read 4:10.

It was kind of boring waiting, especially as I couldn't even listen to music, but the sound of the city was quite relaxing, and the air seemed fresher up high. 

My mind was really in peace here. It wasn't quiet, but not too loud either. I was alone, but I didn't feel lonely. I felt so much comfort in this atmosphere compared to other places.

"Hey," a voice said from above me, shocking me.

Spider-man was hanging from the roof of the building, upside-down.

"Up here all alone?" he asked.

"I was waiting for you actually," I said.

"Oh, what for?"

"Can you take me to the roof first? Talking like this is kinda awkward."

"Sure!" he said.

I picked up my bag and he dropped down, grabbing hold of my waist against his and swinging us up.

"So, about what happened last time we met, in the alleyway. It happened again, and you weren't there, so I was wondering if you could teach me a few moves or something, so if that happens again, I'd have some clue as to what to do."

Sacrifices {Peter Parker x Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang