16 - friends forever?

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(Y/n's pov)

When I got home I went straight to my bedroom, avoiding contact with my mom and Toby. I checked my phone, only a few messages but nothing urgent, then I went to the bathroom to clean my scars and bruises. I didn't want to worry my mom.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Is everything okay honey? You seemed really drunk on the phone last night," my mom said.

"Yeah, it's all good. I have a slight headache but that's normal I guess."

"What happened? How did you get so drunk?"

I took a deep breath, knowing that I couldn't lie to my mom I just had to alter the truth.

"Some guy gave me a drink I thought was water, and I guess because I've never had alcohol before, it really affected me. Peter came back from the bathroom to see I was wasted and took me home," I explained.

"Right, okay. I don't want you going to any parties unless I know I can trust them."

I agreed but just stayed silent. My voice still hurt.

"I'll leave you then," she said.

"Okay," I murmured.


(The next school day, Peter's pov)

I met y/n at the front gate at school, she looked really worn out, but I didn't blame her after what happened. But I wasn't there, Spider-man was, so I don't know.

"Y/n, are you okay? You look really weary," I said.

"I'm fine, I just...tripped," she whispered.

I knew that was a lie, I was there, but I guess I just had to act suspiciously because she can't know. But why would she lie to me? Was it because of what the man said? Who even was he?

'He told you not to go to that party. He told you not to go to that party. Who's he?' 

I kept running that line back in my head, trying to work out if y/n knew who he was talking about, but I didn't have enough information to work it out. And I didn't want to investigate into y/n's life, neither did I want to bother her any further, so I pushed my thoughts aside.

I just thought about last night, how crazy she was drunk! I'm glad she doesn't remember anything, but I kinda wish she did. I don't know why but I did.

She didn't talk much throughout the day, I tried to be gentle with her and she seemed to appreciate it but I missed laughing with her in lessons, and talking about Star Wars, and working on projects together. I really liked hanging out with her.

I really liked her!

But what if she doesn't feel the same way? If I told her and she doesn't feel the same way then that would just make things awkward. I thought it best to keep it quiet, but I really wanted to know if she did like me.

I didn't want to talk to Ned or MJ about it because they'd just make fun of me, and probably tell y/n too. I wanted to talk with someone I knew would help, but not tell y/n. Then I thought of someone, maybe not the best idea, but I knew they'd probably help.

So after school, I went past my apartment block towards Scoops Ahoy! I walked towards the counter to see Robyn standing behind the counter.

"Hi," I said.

"Hi," she said. "You want ice cream?"

"No, is uh...Steve here,"

"Yeah, why?"

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