17 - consequences

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(The next day, y/n's pov)

I woke up to the dreaded sound of my alarm. I quickly turned it off and almost fell back asleep before forcing getting myself up for school.

I got dressed and put my hair in a high messy bun, then had some breakfast and packed my bag, before leaving for school.

On the way to the station, I was on my phone, going through the photos on my phone from last night, I had already gone through the pictures of the sunset, now I was choosing the best ones of me on the beach.

A loud car horn had shocked me and made me think that it would be better to put my phone away so I won't hit something or someone.

As I turned into the station, I felt a strong hand grab my wrist tightly and pulled me in the other direction. I tried to break free but by the time I started to yell loud enough, he had his other hand on my mouth and dragged me to, yet again, another alleyway.

He cuffed his hand around my neck against the wall, causing me to gasp for air. We were around a corner, so no one could see us.

"You're doing exactly what he told you not to," he growled.

"I don't care," I said. He punched me against the wall, and I'm pretty sure my nose was bleeding now.

"You knew this would happen didn't you?"

"Of course, but I don't care what he thinks, he will never be more important to my mother than I am, I'm her daughter." I snarled at him. 

He kicked my legs, causing me to fall, then he just kept punching me. My head was spinning and there was a loud ringing in my ear.

Just then, I remembered what Spider-man had given me. I un-clipped the bracelet and slit the knife across his leg.

He cursed at me, then I got up and ran away, hoping he would lose me in the crowd at the station, which he did.

I took a seat on the train and tried very hard to hold back my tears and screams of pain. I didn't care if I missed my first period, I had to clean up before anyone saw me like this. So I took the back entrance to the school in case Peter was waiting for me, then went to the girl's bathroom to clean up.

My bruises were still visible but they were clean. I guess I just needed to keep my head down.

I didn't have anyone I knew in my next two periods, but I had art with MJ fourth period and I wasn't looking forward to having to face any of my friends.

I sat at the same table as her, as the teacher wants, but I tried not to look up.

"Hey, y/n, where were you this morning?"

"Oh, I was running late, sorry," I said quietly.

"Oh, okay. We were just worried, you weren't answering any texts or calls so we thought something had happened."

"It's really nice to hear that you guys care about me."

"Yeah, well...Peter was the most concerned, I and Ned were trying to calm him down but he wouldn't stop calling you."

"Oh, that's um..." I had no idea what to say to that, "that was nice of him. He'll see me at lunch so he can stop worrying."

"Yeah, just be ready for either a telling off for worrying him when you're actually fine or just a big hug," she said.

I laughed a little, but it hurt. Everything hurt. But I couldn't go home, neither could I skip school, so I just had to suck it up.

I walked to lunch with MJ and just as the door to the cafeteria came in sight, so did Peter.

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