21 - enjoy the movie!

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(The next day (Saturday), y/n's pov)

I woke up to the rays of sunlight directly in my eyes as I rolled over in my sleep. I checked my phone and the time read 10:15. Nice!

I got up and got dressed, then went downstairs to see a note on the kitchen table.

I've gone to work to collect some stuff, I'll be back by lunch. I didn't tell Toby because I know you two don't really get along that well, even though you both say you do. Anyway, you can go out with your friends or something if you want. Stay safe, mom x

Wow. This week had been pretty busy and because I've been so good at avoiding Toby, I guess I sort of forgot about him. I guess my plan was working! 

But then again, I couldn't hang out with my friends unless I just showed up that their house which would be really awkward so I guess I had the day to myself.

I had a slice of toast with Nutella, and an apple, then decided to go for a walk, without my phone of course.

But just as I was about to leave I heard a text come through my phone. I checked to see what it was and it was from Peter.

Peter: Just landed! The flight was super long but I occupied myself. Very excited for Berlin!

I was very unsure whether to answer or not, but I didn't see how Peter being in Berlin would affect anything, even if Toby was reading all of my texts.

Me: Yay! Hope you have loads of fun, keep me updated!! :D

Peter: Will do! :)

I guess that wouldn't hurt. So I left my phone under my bed pillow, and went on my way.

I visited many thrift stores, and vintage clothing stores, not to buy anything but just look around. Then I came by near Peter's apartment block and saw a big ice cream sign with a boat on it.

'Sure, ice cream sounds fun!' I thought to myself, and entered the building.

"Hey! It's my favorite 'just friends' customer!" I heard Steve yell from behind the counter as I walked in.

"That's correct," I said, and gave him a fake smile.

"I think you guys could win a trophy for being the longest relationship without knowing it."


"I talked to Peter."


The whole store fell silent. I coughed lightly and the chatter re-started.

"Umm...I probably shouldn't have told you that, let's just forget it. What can I get you today ma'am?"

I decided that it wasn't worth trying to get out of him why on earth Peter talked to him, but I did keep a mental note.

"Uh...I'll have a double cookie dough in a cone please,"

"Comin' right up!"

He flipped the scoop in the air as he slid open the door to my chosen flavored ice cream. I was looking very subtly, but very closely at his face, he was thinking about something, trying to figure something out.

"What are you thinking about?"

He looked at me a little surprised.

"How would you like to watch a movie for free?"

"What do you mean?"

"The back door here leads to one of the fire escapes in the movie theater. I can slide you in and you don't have to pay for tickets!"

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