4 - project partners

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so basically i wrote this book fully, then released it all so that's why i don't really leave any notes like this on most chapters, but we just hit 1k reads and i'm so hyped so thank you so much!!

Anyway i'll shut up now and let you read on...

(After school, Peter's pov)

After going to the robotics lab club I took the subway home to my apartment, listening to Fluorescent Adolescent by Arctic Monkeys. (I just thought this would be the type of thing he'd listen to but you can change that if you want.)

May was in the kitchen cooking something or other, probably pasta, it didn't smell good tho.

"Hey Peter, how was school today?" She asked, coughing through the smoke as she opened the oven.

"It was pretty good actually, there's this new girl, y/n, she's really nice. We're gonna do a chemistry project together." That reminded me, I needed to text her.

"Ooo sounds fun! What's the project?"

"Umm we have to research gasses and stuff I don't really know, but y/n does she's really brainy," May smirked at me and I just rolled my eyes and walked away towards my bedroom.

I sat on my bunk bed and took out my phone. I filled in a new contact for y/n with the number she gave me. I was very hesitant about texting her but I plucked up the courage and did.

Me: Hey y/n, it's Peter

Me: Parker

'God, why would I say that, of course, it's me, what other Peter would she know?'

Y/n: Hey Peter, what's up?

'Ohhhhh no she replied. What do I say? 'Good thanks'? 'Not too bad'? AHHH'

Me: Great thanks!

Y/n: Soooo, when do you wanna do this project?

Me: Idk, I'm free tomorrow if you wanna come over after school?

Y/n: Tomorrow sounds great! Should I bring anything?

Me: Nothing that you won't already have in your school bag I don't think.

Y/n: Ok cool

Me: If we finish quickly would you maybe wanna watch like a star wars movie or something after?

Y/n: Yeah that sounds great :)

Me: Cool, see you tomorrow then :)

I let out a big sigh of relief as I looked up from my phone and smiled to myself.

Me: Dude, you won't believe what just happened!

Ned: What? What? What?!!!!!!

Me: So y/n and I partnered up for our chemistry project and I invited her over tomorrow to do the work and maybe watch star wars after!!!

Ned: Omg peter whaaaatttt, that is so crazy!

Ned: Only a day back from Christmas break and you have a date!

Me: Dude no it's not a date, ewww

'Would it be so bad if it was though?'

Me: We're just hanging out ok?

Ned: Yeah suuureeeee

Me: Ugh I'm so done with you, ttyl

I gave Ned and MJ y/n's number before I forgot, then I just chilled in my room for a bit and studied, even though I couldn't concentrate very well thinking about y/n and tomorrow.

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