30 - welcome home

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(Y/n's pov)

(Apologies in advance, this chapter is super long but I didn't want to split it, but it's worth it, trust me!!)

School ended for the summer sooner than I expected! I spent almost every day hanging out with my friends, going on fun dates with Peter (we finally got to see Rogue One), and I enjoyed every second.

I also visited the Avengers tower to spent time with Tony and the rest of the Avengers. My mom came a few times as well, just so she could meet everyone.

Some other Avengers popped in a couple of times as well! I met Thor and Clint Barton, also Steve Roger's friends Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes (who has a metal arm!)

But most importantly, I spent time with my mom. We visited many parts of the east coast, taking photos and buying souvenirs to show Peter.

This was the life I could only have dreamed for! But I knew, even though we had solved our problem with Toby, there would always be more things, threats, enemies, I just had to be prepared to face them.

A few weeks into summer break, I had just returned from Washington D.C. and I had the most amazing time. The train journey was long and tiring, and despite sleeping very well on the train, I still slept in until noon the next day!

I woke up and headed downstairs where my mom had prepared bowls of fruit for us. I had a piece of toast and a glass of milk to go with it, and I was proud of eating a healthy breakfast for once, even though it was nearly lunch time.

"I wanted to talk to you about something, honey," she said, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Why do I suddenly feel concerned? What did I do?" I said, a little jokingly.

"You didn't do anything, don't worry. It's just...these past few weeks have been great, and I know how much you love spending time with your friends. But I've also noticed how well you're fitting in with your new family...like you're having more fun."

"Don't say that, mom. You know how much I love you, and yes I really enjoy spending time with them but they could never replace you." I put my hand on hers to comfort her.

"Thank you, y/n, but that's not what I mean. For the last 15 years, I've taught you everything I know, and school is doing you well with thing that I didn't get to teach you like art, and music.

But you really enjoy being with Tony, and you could learn so much from him, and I'm sure you already have! I'm just saying, being with your dad, and his side of the family, so to speak, will be much more beneficial for your future.

So my point is, I spoke with Tony and he loved the idea, but only if you want to-"

"What?!" I interrupted, I was getting very exited because I kind of saw what was coming.

"Would you like to move in with them? I trust every soul that lives in that tower, and I believe you'd do better with them than here. I'll still visit you, you can still come here, but for there to be you new home!"

I was speechless. I was right about what she was going to say but I didn't actually picture those words coming out of her mouth. She didn't even seem that upset about it either, clearly she wanted what was best for me.

"I would absolutely love to go!"

We both shared a massive grin and I got some butterflies thinking about all of it. Living with the Avengers! How cool is that!!

"Perfect! I'll tell Tony, and make some arrangements," she said.

"Cool," I said and immediately took out my phone and called Peter.

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