12 - a better day

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(The next morning, y/n's pov)

I woke up, with a little shock, to the sound of my phone buzzing on my bedside table. I checked to see who it was and everything came back to me. It was Peter, it was 11:15, he was waiting for me.

I answered the call before it went to voicemail.

"Hey, y/n, are you ok? Are you coming?" he sounded a little worried.

"Peter I'm so sorry!" My voice was cracking a little.

"Have you just woken up?"

Damn it.

"Look, Peter, I can't make it, I'm so sorry."

"Oh, um, that's fine. Did everything go okay last night?"

'Don't tell him. Don't tell him. Don't tell him.'

"Yeah," I gulped. "It went great, he's just really protective over my mom and he doesn't want anything bad to happen to them."

I felt Toby's fist above my head, ready to hit me if I told the whole truth.

"Oh!" Peter sounded very surprised. "Well that's great, um, I'll see you on Monday then."

"Yeah, thanks, Peter. I'm just not feeling that great."

"Get well soon then, bye y/n."


I felt so bad for him, leaving him to go home by himself. But also, I felt like I was saving him by not going. I just imagined Toby in his evil villains' lair somewhere listening in on our conversation, laughing. An evil laugh. A cackle.

I didn't even want to leave my room, scared that he was still downstairs, so I just got dressed, put some music on, and studied to get my mind off it.

I never thought that studying, and researching things would clear my mind so much! Maybe I was just overthinking this all, maybe I was just exaggerating.

I needed to build up my confidence, not to face Toby, but to face whatever he had planned for me, and to be prepared if anything were to happen to me or my friends.

I think it was a little ridiculous if he had a tracker on me, I had to leave the house eventually. He said he was good with computers though, so I think I'll just have to be a little more careful on my phone or laptop.

I decided to go downstairs for lunch, praying Toby wasn't downstairs. And he wasn't. Thank God!

I saw my mom in the study, working, so I just went to the kitchen to make a sandwich, where she later joined me.

"So," she started, "how was last night?"

'Great, yeah! Amazing! He was very rude to me, and he's really protective of you for God knows what reason, and when I shouted at him for threatening to take you away from me he slapped me really hard.'

I couldn't say that. I really wanted to, but I couldn't.

I didn't want to lie to her, but I also didn't want her to be hurt.

"Umm, it was ok. We just talked."

"That's it? You just talked?"

I felt his fist above my head again, ready to strike.

"We had food, hung out, watched a movie. Nothing compared to our night though!"

She smiled. 

"Well, I'm glad you had fun."

I decided to go for a walk after lunch, to clear my thoughts, and to prove to myself that I'll be ok leaving the house.

As I was walking I saw the same familiar red and blue costume webbing up some guys in the alleyway next to me. Once he was some he called the police, and just as he was about to swing away, he saw me.

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