14 - party girl

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(The next day, y/n's pov)

Nothing really interesting happened throughout the day, except me annoying MJ about the party. I talked to Betty Brant in English and she's going, so I annoyed Ned about that too. But then, of course, Ned and MJ had pay-back by annoying me about Peter, which he was oblivious to, or just trying to ignore.

I wasn't really listening much in the lessons either. Mainly because I was thinking about the party, but I kind of already knew everything the teacher was talking about anyway so it didn't matter.

Even though the party didn't start until 7:00, I wasted no time after school to get home, but as I arrived I should have seen this coming. Toby was home.

There was no way he'd let me go, I guess I'd just have to play it cool and sneak out. Even if he did find out it's not like could come and get me because he didn't know where Flash lived.

'Tracker', I thought.

I'd have to leave my phone here, along with any other technology that I was intending on bringing, which was just my phone.

I got to my room without catching Toby's attention, even though he probably knew I was here. There was no point in getting ready so early so I watched a movie to pass the time.

Just then, Peter texted.

Peter: wuu2?

Me: Nothing much, watching The Breakfast Club

Peter: What? I was expecting you'd be getting ready by now!

Me: Very funny.

Me: What are you doing?

Peter: Just hanging out with Ned, we're going to the party together

Me: Aww cute

Peter: NO! Not like that!

Me: Haha, yeah ik, I'm messing with you

Peter: You can be really annoying sometimes, you know?

Me: You like it though

Peter: No!

Peter: ...maybe just a little

Me: I knew it ;)

Peter: Ugh stop it y/n, ttyl

Me: Aw no i'm sorry :(((((

Peter: Lol it's ok, I have to go now anyway, May's making dinner

Me: Okay then, see you tonight!

Peter: Yep, bye :)

That was a roller-coaster!

After the movie had ended I went downstairs to see Toby and my mom, who had arrived during the movie, sat on the couch together, laughing.

This hurt me, but I had to ignore my feelings.

I grabbed some food from the fridge to keep me going until I got to the party, and Toby stopped me just as I was leaving. He came up to me leaving my mom on the couch so she couldn't hear.

"You're not going to the party tonight are you y/n?" he asked

"No. And I'm not that hungry so I'll just have this and I'm gonna study because I have a test tomorrow." I lied.

"Oh, a test? What subject?" he tried to trip me.

"The theory of relativity in my advanced physics class."

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