24 - revealed secrets

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(Peter's pov)

"Hello? I'm Spider-man. I have an emergency, I need to speak with Mr Stark."

I rushed y/n over to the Avengers tower as soon as I had the idea. She was still in pieces, and the woman at the reception could see that. She rushed over to the phone and dialled a number.

"Hello? Yes I need to speak with Mr Stark...yes I know it's early...tell him it's Spider-man...it's an emergency...thank you." She came over to us. "They'll have someone right down," she explained.

Around 30 seconds later, Happy Hogan, Mr Stark's bodyguard, chauffeur and close friend, appeared at the elevator.

"Happy! Oh, thank God! Please help her, the hospital couldn't do anything, I knew she'd be better off here."

"It's okay kid, come with me."

We walked over to the elevator, I was carrying y/n.

"You know Tony's not gonna be happy you're bothering him at this hour."

"Well neither was she but she would have been alone if I wasn't with her to take her here."

I wanted to take off my mask seeing as everyone at the tower knew who I was, but y/n was still in my arms, and I cared about her safety, so I didn't.

As the elevator doors opened, Mr Stark was standing there and rushed over as soon as he saw me.

"Kid, what happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Mr Stark. Please help here."

He looked down at y/n who was yelling and crying.

"Please, sir," I said. He saw my desperation and nodded.

"Follow me, and take that ridiculous mask off your face, she's gonna know sooner or later."

I wasn't too sure about that, but I took it off anyway.

We walked into the lab and I placed her down on the bed that he had popped out of the floor.

"FRIDAY, read her vitals," he said, to no person in the room.

"Yes sir!" A voice came from the room. FRIDAY was Mr Stark's artificial intelligence system, connected to every piece of technology in the tower.

"What happened to her kid?" He asked me.

"Uh, so there's this psycho guy called Toby, he hates y/n for some reason. Anyway, he kidnapped her and took her to his evil villain lair or something-"

"Peter," he interrupted, "I need science."

"Right, sorry. He took a lot of blood from her, and hooked her up to this computer machinery, and messed up her brain, jigging her memories, thoughts, nervous system. I saved her and took her to the hospital, she got better but then I took her to the beach this morning to see the sunrise and she just started screaming in pain, saying 'make it stop, help me' and I knew she couldn't get better at the hospital so I took her here."

"Wow, that's a lot. Anything else?"

"Oh yeah, they injected this weird serum into her but the doctors at the hospital had no idea what it was."

"Oh, great. Yeah, that's always a good sign." He said sarcastically.

"Can you help her?"

He turned to me and gave me a stern look.

"I'll have my best people on it right now."

"Thank you, Mr Stark, thank you so much."

"Yeah, okay. Go do something else now, don't stay here, it'll probably just break you to see her like this."

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