Chapter 4

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Daniel's POV

I was reading over the script, not really reading it though. I just can't seem to get Y/N out of my head. I mean like she's beautiful, funny, smart, kindhearted, sweet, hard working. I just want the world for her, she deserves everything after what her two exes did to her. All of a sudden I hear Rami yelling my name.
"What is it Rami?"
I was worried something happened to Y/N.
"Y/N is or was on the verge of tears the last I saw her. I put on some queen to help at least a little until we get back. But I think when you said 'find someone like I did' she thought you are interested in someone else."
I just stood there like an idiot and feeling so guilty for what I said to Y/N.
"Where is she?"
"She's where we left her."
Both me and Rami run over to Y/N and sure enough she was crying and had earbuds in. It kinda helped though because I carefully walked up to her and gave her a comforting hug. I could here the music through her earbuds and the song "love of my life" was playing. It made me feel even worst. Then I realized that today was the day I asked her out or maybe tomorrow. I was so confused so I pulled away from the hug I was still giving Y/N, made her look at me, gave her a warm smile, and gestured for Rami to follow me.
"What is it Daniel?"
"I want to ask out Y/N but I don't know to do it today or tomorrow, what should I do?"
"If you love her as much as you say do it today. Maybe after shooting today."
"Ok thank you so much Rami."
As I was about to walk away to my next scene Rami took my hand.
"One more thing though you probably already now this. Please don't be like those other guys that broke Y/N's heart. As you know she's been through a lot and I don't need her to go through anything else like that."
"I promise, also out of curiosity, do you happen to know her exes names?"
Rami looked shocked but then the unexpected happen.
"My two exes names are Brandon and Brad."
Me and Rami looked at Y/N with shock I didn't want to hurt her by asking her about their names.
"Y/N you didn't have to-"
Y/N then cut me off by saying the most surprising thing that I have ever heard come out of her beautiful soft lips.
"I told because I know you will protect me from them and if needed to will go to jail for me."
I stood there like a total idiot and after a minute of standing, I walked I've over to Y/N, went down on a knee and told her something I always wanted to say.
"That is correct and I wanted to ask you this earlier but then I told 'myself wait till later you hurt wait till later' I wanted to ask you if it is ok if I take you out on a date?"
The look on Y/N's face was magical. Her eyes were sparkling, her cheeks were a beautiful shade of red, and had a beautiful toothy grin.
"Yes I would like that."
"How about at 8:00 pm on Saturday?"
"Sounds good."
At that moment the director walked over with a medic to check on Y/N's twisted ankle. After the medic checked her ankle out he said she was able to film but can't do heavy choreographed fight scenes.
"Ok so I can go back to being semi normal."
"Yes you can and can still go on that date with me."
As we were talking Rami came in to say that I had to be on set. I told him I would be out in a minute. I stood up and gave Y/N a kiss on the check and walked off.

On set romance  {Daniel Craig x reader}Where stories live. Discover now