Chapter 16

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Daniel's POV
I woke up the next morning with Y/N in my arms still asleep. Today was our one year anniversary, and I am extremely nervous. Today is not just our one year anniversary but today I'm going to propose to Y/N. I quietly got out of bed making sure not to wake my beautiful girlfriend. I walked down stairs and made pancakes and bacon. When I was done making breakfast I noticed a figure walking downstairs.
"Good morning beautiful. Happy one year anniversary."
"Good morning baby and you remember our anniversary."
"Well what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't remember our anniversary."
She gave me a warm smile and looked at what I made her for breakfast.
"Awwww you made my favourite breakfast?"
"Sure did darling."
She walked over to me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back feeling her head on my chest. When we pulled away we ate breakfast. Once finished we cleaned our plates and put them back in the cabinet.
"Ok Y/N I need to go somewhere for a little will, are you ok on your own for that time?"
"Oh, yea of course. And I'm not completely alone I have Bucky here with me."
She held up our husky and I laughed a little bit.
"Ok see you later my love."
"See you later."
I left and went to the jewelry store to pick out an engagement ring. I walked in and was greeted by a familiar face. Then I realized it was one of my siblings.
"Daniel is that you?"
"Sure is how are you Lea?"
"I'm doing good, so what brings you here into this shop?"
"Well my girlfriend/co-star from 'no time to die' Y/N and I are celebrating our one year anniversary. So I'm thinking of proposing."
"Oh my gosh Daniel I'm so happy for you. Did you ask her parents first?"
"Well uh not yet but I'll do it today before I go home to Y/N."
"Ok good now to pick out the ring."
I spent at least an hour trying to pick out the right ring. I then picked out a simple ring that is silver and is in the infinity symbol. My sister rang me up and I was on my way to ask Y/N's parents if it is ok to marry their daughter. When I arrived I got more nervous. What if they say no? What if they don't like me marrying their daughter? All these thoughts went through my head but then I thought I'm doing this for a future with Y/N and our future children. So I stepped out of the car and knocked on the door. Y/M/N opened the door.
"Oh hi Daniel why are you here?"
"Hi Y/M/N is it ok if I talk to you and Y/D/N?"
"Oh yea sure, come in. Y/D/N come downstairs Daniel needs to talk to us both."
Y/D/N and Y/M/N sat in front of me and the palms of my hands are sweating.
"So what is it you would like to talk to us about?"
"Does it involve Y/N?"
I took a deep breath in and out to prepare myself.
"It is about Y/N . I came over here to ask if it is ok if I ask your daughter to marry me?"
They took a moment to think but that moment felt like an eternity.
"Yes of course Daniel you can marry Y/N."
"Just one thing that I'd like to say. Be loyal to her and protect our daughter."
"I will sur with all my being."

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