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It's now been 18 years, everything has been great. Daniel is done with James Bond, the twins are doing great in school, and I've been acting here and there but manly taking care of James and Sam. On this day it was the September 10th, the twins 18th birthday. I couldn't believe that they will be graduating this year. The twins went to school like usual, I was planning a little surprise party. I invited their friends and some of their cousins that they were close to. Since the James and Samantha haven't seen their father in almost 7 months because of a movie he managed to come down to celebrate. The twins walked in with sad looks on their faces.
"What's with the long looks James and Sam?"
"So we asked our friends to celebrate our birthday with us." Sam started
"But none of them could make it, said they were all busy."
I saw how sad they looked so I thought of something to make them happy. It always worked.
"Have how bout we walk around the James Bond exhibit at the movie museum?"
"Really you do that for us mom?"
"Of course I will. I mean you only turn 18 once and I think it will cheer you guys up. I know how much you enjoy looking at that exhibit."
So we went to the movie museum and went straight to the James Bond exhibit. We looked around and then it came to a picture of my, Daniel, and Rami. We looked so much younger and in our prim in that picture.
"Mom is that you and uncle Rami?"
"Yes Sam that's us three, and actually that's when me and your father first met."
"What? You guys feel in love on set of a James Bond film?"
"Haha Yea James, also it was two years after the movie rapped that you guys were born."
*flashback Daniel's POV*
We were sitting in my chair and Y/N was sitting on my lap with her arms around my waist and head on my chest. I could stay in this moment forever. I know I'm gonna marry this women and start a family with her.
We where sitting in Daniel's chair I had my arms around his waist and my head on his chest so I could hear his heart beat. I honestly hope we could stay like this forever. At that moment I knew I had to stay with this man through sickness and in health and start a family of our own with him.
*end flashback*
"Yea, I announced the news to your father on his birthday and he reminds me every day that you guys are the greatest gift he has ever received."
With that we walked around some more until I got a text from Daniel.
Daniel: hey sweetheart I just wanted you to know that everyone is here, including myself.
Y/N: ok me and the twins are in our way and I can't wait to see you again.❤️
Daniel: and I can't wait to see your beautiful face and see how age has aged you like fine wine.❤️
I gathered the twins and headed home. When the twins walked in first they were surprised to see their cousins and friends waiting. Then they saw Daniel and Rami waiting they both ran up to the two men who they are luck to call their uncle and father.
"I missed you two so much. I can't believe you guys are graduating this. My baby's are going to change the world for the better."
"Thank you dad. You are the best father we could of asked for."
"Not just because you're James Bond but because you try your best to spend as much time with us as you can."
"Awwwww Sam and James I don't know what to say."
I watched the cutest thing I have seen unfold then I spoke up to Daniel so the twins could hang out with their friends.
"Hey handsome."
"Hey beautiful how are you?"
"Doing better now that you are here. I missed you a lot."
"I missed you to. So where did you guys go today?"
"The James Bond exhibit. They had a picture of me, you, and Rami."
"Oh really?"
"Yea, then all these memories on set came rushing back to me."
"Like what memories?"
"Like our first date, the way we cuddled on set and when ever I felt down, the night we did IT for the first time, our wedding, and your birthday present."
"Darling I'll always be here every step of the way. And I'm so glad you raised our two beautiful/handsome children."
With that he kissed me.

On set romance  {Daniel Craig x reader}Where stories live. Discover now