Chapter 10

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After Daniel dropped me off at my home we agreed to go out to eat that night with Rami and his girlfriend Lucy. Lucy is a nice woman that played Mary Austin in bohemian rhapsody alongside of course Rami. I'm excited to see the two of them again, even though I just saw Rami yesterday. We are going to eat a nice restaurant. Like heels and ties kinda nice. I was a little worried because I had nothing but jeans, t-shirts, shorts, leggings, and sneakers. So I texted Lucy, since we're close, to see if she wanted to help and thankfully she said yes. 10 minutes later I heard a knock on the door, I was thinking it was Lucy but boy was I wrong. I opened the door excitedly but once I saw Brad, my most recent ex, the colour drained out of my face.
"Hey Y/N, it's been a long time."
"Hey Brad, it has been a long time."
"So how are you doing? I heard you are the new James Bond film, that's exciting."
"Yea I am, um, I'm really happy to be working with Rami again."
I still haven't let him in in fear that he might do something bad to me.
"Well I just came by to ask if you would like to get coffee sometime?"
"Oh, um, I don't know. You know with my schedule and all."
"Are you making excuses like last time or is this real life."
"I'm telling the truth Brad."
"Ok what about drinks tonight?"
I just stood there shocked because I don't want to hurt his feelings by saying I have a boyfriend but I have to tell him something.
"I believe she politely said no Brad, now please leave her alone."
I look over Brad's shoulder to see Lucy. I'm thankful that I told her about Brandon and Brad.
"Ok whatever. I'll be back and you will go out with me."
And with that scary thought he walked away.
"Hey, thank you Lucy. I owe you one."
"Yea no problem Y/N, he is a jerk anyway. You ready to go dress shopping? We can pick a few more for premiers of the movie to if you would like."
"Oh I totally forgot about premiers. Why not just get it out of the way right now right?"
With that Lucy and I went to the car and of to the local mall and into a store called Windsor. I tried on a few dress and picked out three dresses for premiers. One of the dresses was a long flowy yellow dress with a sparkly top and spaghetti straps. The second dress was long, flowy, had spaghetti straps, and with hints of dark green, dark pink, and black. The last dress was also long, red, flowy and spaghetti straps. For the dinner tonight I chose a off white dress with a sparkly pattern on it with a leg slit. After shopping with Lucy, she took me home at around 5:30, since our double date is at 6:30, to get ready.

Daniel's POV
I am excited about the dinner tonight. I get to see Rami and his girlfriend Lucy, but most importantly I get to see my girlfriend Y/N. I know it's been since this morning when I last saw her but what can I say?
I've fallen head over heels for this Greek goddess. Plus this is our first outing as boyfriend and girlfriend. As I was getting ready at around 6:00 I was getting a call from Rami.
"Hey Daniel I have to tell you something."
"What is Rami? Is it something with Y/N?"
"It is earlier she asked Lucy to go dress shopping."
"When Lucy arrived she saw that Brad was there trying to take Y/N on a date."
"What did Y/N say?"
I said with tears starting to form hoping she wouldn't say yea to that bastard.
"Lucy heard Y/N say a polite no the first time but the second she was frozen like a deer in headlights."
"Oh my gosh."
"I know but at least Lucy was there to help."
"Thank you Rami for telling me."
"No problem."
"Oh yea guess what?"
"What? Wait, did you and Y/N have sex on the first date? I swear if you did you wouldn't hear the end of it."
"What? No! No! No! This morning I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes."
"Oh thank god. Congrats bro."
"Thanks now I'm going to finish getting ready."
"Ok see ya."
"See ya."
And with that I finished tying my tie, put on some noir cologne, I know it's Y/N's favourite men's scent, and took the keys for the Aston Martin to go pick up Y/N.

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