Chapter 25

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Daniel's POV
Y/N has been pregnant for almost 9 months and is getting pretty close to her due date. Y/N's has been doing great through out the pregnancy, not experiencing that much pain. We told our parents three months ago when she was 6 months pregnant. They took it very well, both our moms might have been a little bit to excited about having a grandchild. But like I said earlier Y/N has been pregnant for 9 months now. I was in the living room reading a script I had for a movie called knives out (I know wrong timeline but hey) then I suddenly heard Y/N slowly coming down the stairs trying to control her breath.
"Y/N darling what's going on?"
Y/N slowly looks up at me.
"My water just broke and the baby is coming"
"Ok, ok, ok I have the keys, I have the bag, and now I just need you to get into the car."
We went straight to Y/N's car instead of mine since it was more discreet then mine. When we both were in the car I'm pretty sure that I floored it because in a matter of minutes we were there. Throughout the ride there I kept looking behind me to see if Y/N was doing ok. I moved my hand back to Y/N so that she hold it so that she could feel safe and calm. When we got into the hospital we checked in and was immediately taken to a room, once there Y/N starts getting into a hospital gown. After changing she lied down in the bed and started to cry.
"Darling, honey, sweetheart why are you crying?"
"What if I can't be a good mother?"
I looked at her, her head was turned away from me so I took my index finger and put it under her chin to guid it to look at me.
"Y/N Y/M/L Craig you are an amazing mother to our dog Bucky and an amazing aunt to your brothers kids I am positive that you will be a great mother to your on child."
She looked at me with a slight smile, with my index finger still under her chin I guid her lips to mine. We sat there kissing each other for a few seconds before Y/N got a shock for her stomach. She began to say cuss words to try and numb the pain. I got a doctor to help and they said she was ready to give birth.
Y/N got into position, I grabbed her hand and she started to push.
"Keep breathing and now push."
The doctor repeated that until both me and my beautiful wife heard a cry of a baby. The doctor cut the cord.
"It's a girl."
The doctor said. I looked over at Y/N with happiness in both our eyes. I'm so happy that my wife and daughter are here healthy with me. I  then looked down at Y/N's stomach and it looks like there's another baby inside her still. I walked up to the doctor and asked.
"Oh shout, the ultrasound must not have picked up the other baby I am so sorry Mr.Craig."
"It's fine as long as I have my wife and two children healthy I'm good."
"Ok Mrs.Craig I just looked over and realized that you are giving birth to twins. I'm sorry I didn't inform you about, it's just that the ultrasound didn't pick up the other baby."
"Oh ok, I understand I just my baby's to be alive and healthy. Owwww."
Just then the second child was ready to be born. I rushed over to grab Y/N's hand as she was pushing the second child out. We then heard the second cry of a baby.
"It's a boy."
"Oh my gosh, I can't believe we have a little baby boy and little baby girl."
Y/N said with tears in her eyes and sweat dripping down her face and neck.
"I'm so proud of you."
I said looking at her with our little girl in her arms and our little boy in mine.
"Yes really. You are my wife and the light of my life, you brought me the best gift that I could have ever asked for."
"And what might that be?"
"Our two beautiful and handsome children, along with the joy of calling you my wife."
She looked at me with happiness in her eyes.
"Oh Daniel, thank you for giving me the joy of calling you my husband and giving me some of your sperm so I could make our beautiful and handsome children."
Right then I kissed her with both baby snuggled in and asleep. Just then a nurse took the baby's and put them in the nursery but before she left she asked for the baby's names.
"James Y/D/N Craig and Samantha Carrie Craig."
I said with a smile.

@ Daniel_craig

So happy that my beautiful wife @ Y/N gave birth to two beautiful and handsome children

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So happy that my beautiful wife @ Y/N gave birth to two beautiful and handsome children. Thank you for giving life to James Y/D/N Craig and Samantha Carrie Craig

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