Chapter 22

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Jonathan's POV

"Kate! Kate, can you hear me? Kate!" I yell into the phone. All I heard was a loud banging noise, and her screaming. I need to get to her.

"Kate!" I scream, banging my fist on the front door.

The manager should come soon. It's 6:07 in the morning. I bring the phone to my ear, hoping to her something to tell me Kate's alright. Silence.

I keep banging on the door when I hear something behind me. I turn around and see a car pulling into the parking lot, his face looking angry. I watch as he gets out of his car and starts walking towards me.

"What are you doing, banging on my doors?" He says, his voice higher then I thought.

"You've got to open the doors! She got locked in there last night, and I cant hear her anymore!" The words rush out of my mouth as I point to my phone. I see his eyes widen as I speak.

"Well, there shouldn't be anyth-"

"I know how dangerous the animatronics are, just open the stupid doors!"

He stares at me for a second, shock on his face, before he quickly searches for the keys in his pocket.

"Come on, we're loosing time!" I say impatiently.

Finally, he takes the keys out of his pocket and pushes past me to the door. He takes one of the many keys on his key chain and puts it in the lock, and pulls open the door. Without saying anything, I push past him into the building.

"Kate! Kate, can you hear me? Kate, where are you?" I scream, looking frantically around the room.

I notice all the animatronics are back on the stage. They look like they're staring at me, there menacing smiles seeming to tell me I'm too late.

"Kate!" I scream, ignoring the animatronics. I hear the manager walking in behind me. "Which way to the security office?" I yell, making him jump.

"Down that hall, then take a right."

I run down the hall, calling Kate's name as I go. I dodge wires and streamers hanging from the ceiling, frantically searching for any signs of her,

I reach the corner and turn right, still looking for her. Suddenly, the security office comes into sight, and I see what Kate was talking about when she said there were no doors. I look all around, when I find her. On the ground. Not moving.

"Kate!" I yell, running towards her. I get on the ground once I reach her, and place her head in my lap as I look her over. Her skin is paler then usual, and there's blood on her left leg. I don't want to, but I reach and touch her lower thigh, trying to see if its broken. I move her leg around, and it feels mushy. The bone has to be shattered.

I move my hand to her neck, trying to feel for a pulse. I feel tears forming in my eyes, the fear of loosing her to blood loss taking over me.



Suddenly, I feel something on my fingers. Still not sure, I move my hand to just below her nose, hoping to feel her breath. Once I feel the warm air on my fingers, I sigh in relief, letting the tears fall. But I can't relax yet.

"Hey!" I shout down the hall, trying to get the managers attention. I see him appear at the end of the hall.

"Is she okay?" He shouts, trying to see if she's alright.

"Call an ambulance, her legs' shattered!" I shout, looking back at Kate.

In the corner of my eye, I see him take a phone out of his pocket and dial the number. I have to get Kate conscious again.

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