Chapter 13

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Kate's POV

"I win!" Jonathan cheers as his game piece gets to the finish. We've been playing Life for about 20 minutes, and finally, Jonathan took the win.

"You wanna play again?" He asks me. I look up and see him looking at me.

"Um, I'm actually pretty tired. Tomorrow?" I ask. I yawn, realizing just how tired I am. Who new board games made you tired?

"Sure. Did you have a somewhat good birthday?" He asks me, throwing a few chocolate chips in his mouth.

"Yeah, I did. Thank you." I say, smiling.

I grab the bag of chocolate chips and twist the top closed, making sure no air gets to them. After putting the bag away, I help Jonathan put the game away.

"I totally should of won." I say, picking up all the fake money. I see Jonathan start to smile.

"It's not my fault you kept getting one's." He says with a teasing tone. I playfully hit his arm, making him look at me.

"What? Are you mad that you lost?" He says with the same tone to his voice.

"No, but I'm winning tomorrow." I reply with a grin.

"Okay, sure." He says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes as we finally place the lid on the box. I lay down and get comfortable, and so does Jonathan. I look at him, and he looks at me.

"Thanks again, for making today a good day." I say to him.

"Well, I tried to make your birthday not the worst." He says back.

"It'll definitely be one to remember." I say with a small laugh.

"I bet." He reply's with a smile. He's so considerate and kind, even in a situation like this. It's truly amazing.

"Goodnight, Kate." He whispers.

"Goodnight." I say back. Once I close my eyes, I instantly fall asleep.


I'm running. I don't know where, but I'm running. I'm horrified, because I'm being chased. It looks like Bonnie, but the face, or mask, has been torn off, revealing a mass of wires, and two black holes where the eyes would go. I'm trying to run as fast as I can, but It feels like I 'm running through water.

"Help! Jonathan, help!" I scream. But he doesn't reply, he can't hear me. I look back to see Bonnie catching up to me, so I turn the next corner. I look everywhere for a place to hide, but I only see vents that lead to the air ducts. That's it! I run to the nearest one, trying to get my trembling fingers to cooperate. Bonnie hasn't turned the corner yet, so I still have time. Finally, I get the vent cover off, and throw it to the side. I crawl into the small space as fast as I can, turning a corner.

"I think I'm safe..." I think to myself, catching my breath. I look back to where I came from, listening for the animatronic rabbit. I don't hear anything, so I'm about to turn away and keep going. But then, I see... ears? Large metal ears are moving into the vent when I see it. The wire-filled face of Bonnie stares right at me. I scream, once I see it, and crawl as fast as I can. I can hear it crawling right behind me, my heart beating out of my chest. But then, I feel the touch of cold metal on my skin. Too late, I realize I'm being pulled back by the animatronic. That's when I come face to face with the thing that's made me petrified and paranoid to even leave the 'safety' of the closet. I watch as it's metal paw raises, and I realize what it's going to do. It's going to crush my skull in like a bug. I close my eyes, trying to prepare myself for the impact, my heart about to explode. I hear the wosh of the metal flying through the air, and it's about to make contact to my face. I feel the cold metal of the paw touch my face and-

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