Chapter 9

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Kate's POV

"Shhhh!" Jonathan whispers to me. After seeing everything I just saw, I want to scream until my throat is raw. I really don't know how much more of this I can take. The only thing keeping me sane is Jonathan.

Jonathan's POV

I can see the fear in her eyes as I tell her Freddy's here. All I want to do is wrap her in my arms and keep her safe. 'Why do I keep thinking like this? Kate's my friend... I need to concentrate on Freddy right now.'

 I peer my head around the corner of the curtain, only to see an empty room. I think it's safe to come out, but as I continue looking, I see him hidden in the shadowy corner of the room. Lucky for me, he isn't looking this way. I bring my head back around the curtain to see Kate still in her crouched position, her eyes still wide with fear.

"It's going to be okay, he isn't that close to us. He should move on pretty soon." I say, trying my best to give a reassuring smile.

I can tell that calmed her down the slightest bit, because the look in her eyes isn't as worried as before. She nods her head in reply, but doesn't say anything. I lower my eyes, thinking of all the thing's I've done wrong to keep her safe. My only goal here is to get us out alive. Neither of us deserve to be here, especially Kate.

"If only I hadn't thrown that chair. The animatronic probably heard the noise. Gosh, I'm so stupid. I need to think before I do, specially in our situation."

I'm shaken from my thoughts when I hear Kate trying to say something to me.

"Jonathan, I think it's coming closer." I see the fear returning to her eyes, and it makes me worry.

I look around the corner, trying to see if she's right. But oddly enough, I don't see a thing. I'm about to go back behind the curtain when I see something. It's Freddy, but he's standing on stage. He's staring straight ahead, not knowing the only thing dividing us is a thin curtain. Quickly, I turn back around to face Kate, motioning with my hand to be quiet, and that Freddy's right on the other side. I take her hand in mine, squeezing it to reassure her that we will be fine.

She nods, and stays as still as stone. I don't want to, but I peek back around the corner, just to check if he's still there. As I expected, he's still in the same spot, staring at all the tables and chairs ahead of him. I turn back behind the curtain and close my eyes, trying to concentrate on anything but this. Obviously, it's hard, but I manage to get away from reality, at least for a little while.

"Jonathan," Kate whisper shouts at me. " Check if he's moved, it's been five minutes."

I nod, and slowly peek my head around the curtain. He still sits, staring. But all of a sudden I hear the horrible screech of rubbing metal as his legs start to move. But they're moving towards us.

I feel my mouth drop open and my eyes get wide, and I'm frozen in place. I'm suddenly jerked back, and I see Kate gripping my arm. She squeezes her eyes shut and moves towards me, resting her forehead on my arm. I look at her for a second, then shut my eyes too, preparing for what ever death awaits me. But I keep waiting. And I wait some more. I slowly open my eyes as the noise gets quieter and quieter. I turn my head to catch a glimpse of Freddy leaving the dinning room. I release the breath I was holding as Kate opens her eyes, leaning to look behind the curtain.

"I thought we were gonna die." I blurt out without thinking. I quickly regret it though, I didn't want her thinking I had given up on escape.

"Me too." She says, looking up at me.

I look back at her, and I see tears start forming in her eyes. I don't want her to be upset, all I want to do is make her feel better. I wrap my arms around her, and she wipes her tears away and hugs me. I rest my chin on her head and close my eyes.

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