Chapter 7

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After what feels like only a few seconds, we break the hug and walk to the janitors closet in silence.

'I need to keep a better look out, for Jonathan's sake..'

"Um, it should be right around this corner.." I say as we near another turn. Just as I thought, we reach the closet I was looking for. I limp over to the door handle and turn it, opening the wooden door. The closet has a small, wooden shelf on the back wall, with a dusty broom leaning against it. To the left of the door, there's a mop and bucket, the bottom covered in mildew. The closet is pretty big, too, just enough space for the two of us to sleep comfortably.

" You said the lock worked, right?" Jonathan said, looking over to me.

" Yeah, it should."

We walk into the old closet, and I close and lock the door behind us. Jonathan sits down against the bookshelf, and I slowly lower myself into a sitting position.

" At least it's somewhat safe to go to sleep," Jonathan starts with a small yawn. "Let's just hope they cant pick locks."

" Yeah... Goodnight." I say, getting more comfortable.

" Goodnight Kate." He mumbles back. Within minutes I'm fast asleep.

Jonathan's POV

After what feels like half an hour, I wake up in the worn down closet.

' Man, am I hungry..'

I look around the closet and see Kate, sound asleep on the floor.

I look at her and a small smile appears of my face. 'If it weren't for her, I'd be stuffed in one of those suits by now...'

 I decide not to wake her, and slowly get up from my place. I tip-toe around her and unlock the door. Sadly, I have to leave it unlocked, or else I'd be stuck outside until she wakes up. I decide to leave her a note, telling her I'm looking for food. I look around the hallway for anything I can use, and to my luck, I see a bulletin board with a pen sitting on top. I grab the pen and a flyer and write my note:


I went to look for food, I'll be back soon.

- Jonathan :)

I slide the note under the door and head down the hallway we came.

'Too bad I haven't seen the kitchen...' I think and I walk the somewhat familiar hallway to the security office, keeping a close eye on my surroundings. I definitely don't want another repeat of what happened last time...

' I should really thank her.. for finding us a hiding spot, and for helping me calm down...' I think to myself. My mind wanders to when she hugged me after the animatronic left. Wait, why am I thinking about that? It was just a hug...

Finally, I make it to the security room.

"Okay, where should I check first?" I say to myself, looking around the room. I look at the cameras, seeing the horrific chicken we saw earlier in what looks like the dining hall. The rabbit Kate saw before is down a hall, not too far from here. And the bear, Freddy, is still backstage. I check the power percentage and see it drop to 71%. I sigh as I turn to a higher cabinet and start looking for anything to eat. I'm scavenging the cabinets when my hand catches a plastic bag. I pull it down, and I can tell by it's weight it has something in it. I open the bag, and to my relief, it has 3 water bottles and a bag of chips. I want to devour the whole bag, but I need to make sure Kate get something to eat. I continue my search but find nothing. I move over to the next cabinet and search. Score! A box of granola bars. I'm about to leave, satisfied with my finds when the phone rings. I turn towards the phone and watch it for a while, but it keeps ringing. I slowly make my way to the phone, set the food down, and pick up the phone.

"...Hello?..." I say. No answer. I'm about to hang up when a man's voice comes from the other end.

"Hello, Hello? Hey! Hey, wow, day 4. I knew you could do it."

'This must be the recorded phone messages Kate told me about.'

"Uh, hey listen, I may not be around to send you a message tomorrow. *Banging sound* It's been a bad night here for me."

'What was that banging?'

"Um, I-I'm kinda glad I recorded my messages for you, *Clears throat* uh, when I did."

'What's going on to that poor guy?'

"Uh, hey, do me a favor. *bang bang* Maybe sometime, uh, you could check inside those suits in the back room? *bang bang* I'm gonna try and hold out until someone checks. Maybe it wont be so bad. *bang bang* Uh, I-I-I-I always wondered what was in all those empty heads back there. *music plays* You know, *moan* oh no- *noises followed by an animatronic screech and static*"

I keep listening to the phone, waiting for any kind of sign that he's alive. I hang up the phone, and grab my things. I feel pity for the guy. No one deserves to go like that.

'Maybe... he's okay?' I think, trying to have some hope in the guy. With no luck, I know he's gone. He has to be. The way Kate described how he said no one could survive, there isn't a chance. I start making my way back to Kate, hoping she hasnt woken yet.

I turn the last corner to the closet and open the door. I see Kate sitting on the floor, her head in her hands, with the note in one of them. She hears me open the door and looks up to me, wide eyed.

"I thought you were dead!" She almost yells at me, getting up.

"Don't worry, I'm not. I-" I get cut off by Kate surrounding me in a hug, her head on my shoulder.

I take in the hug, and my stomach gets a weird feeling, but it's gone a second later. I hadn't thought about if the animatronics got me. I should be the one worrying more about her, not the other way around.

" I'm fine, don't worry.." I say back. She just hugs me tighter. Wow, she really was worried about me. I'd be just as worried too if she took off with just a simple note like the one I left.

She steps back from me, and looks me in the eye. I can't tell what she's thinking.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I could of gone with you!" she says to me, though not in an angry tone, but more of a disappointed one.

"I'm sorry. I wanted you to get some sleep, so I just left the note. Next time, I'll wake you, I promise." I say with a small smile.

"Good." she says with a replying smile. I love it when she smiles. 'What's going on with me? First thinking about when we hugged, now loving her smile?' I shake my head slightly to clear the thoughts.

"So, what did you find?" She asks me, eyeing the bag. I had almost forgot about the food..

"Oh yeah, you're in luck. I found some water bottles, granola bars, and chips." I say, handing her a water bottle and granola bar.

"Ah, thank you." She says, opening the water bottle and drinking almost half of it. I take a granola bar and water and sit down, opening my food. Kate sits down in front of me, eating her granola bar.

"There was another phone message.." I say between bites.

"Really? what did it say?" I tell her what he said, about checking the suits. I also tell her about the banging, and the music.

"Oh, no..." She says trailing off at the end. I can tell she feels bad for him, her expression now a sad. I hope she hasn't lost hope for us getting out...

I hope you liked this one! It was kinda a filler, nothing really happened. But, next week's chapter will be better, I promise.

Don't forget to,



And of course,


Thanks again!

- Abby :)

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