Chapter 8

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Jonathan's POV

       "Hey, we should rest a bit, then go check the suits." I say to Kate, who's still a bit sad about the old security guard.

"Yeah, good idea." She replies, turning to look at me. I look into her eyes and I can tell she's thinking. I go over to her and surround her in a hug. She wraps her arms around me, staying there for a minute or so. She pulls away and we sit on the ground, getting comfortable.

"Goodnight." she says, laying down.

"Goodnight." I reply back, drifting off to sleep.

Kate's POV

I wake up after what seems about half an hour. I still feel bad for the phone guy, but I know I need to concentrate on everything going on in our current situation. I hear Jonathan waking up now, so I turn towards him and give a small smile.

"Hey." I say.

"Hi Kate." He replies, smiling back.

"Ready to go check the suits?" I ask, getting kind of nervous. Who knows what we'll find?

"Yeah, ready as I'll ever be." He says with a yawn.

I get up and walk over to the door with Jonathan right behind me. I make sure I have the paper clip, and when I feel it in my pocket, I open the door.

"Did he say where the suits are?" I ask before going down the hallway.

"Um, yeah, he said they were in the 'back room'," He puts air quotes around 'back room'  "so I reckon that's somewhere by the stage."

I nod and start walking back to where I first found the dinning room, remembering the big stage. We turn a few lefts and rights until we make it back to the large room. Everything was still in the same place; long, decorated tables lining the old room. Covering the tables are long, white tablecloths, with paper plates and cone shaped party hats in assorted blues, greens, and pinks. There are also a few round wooden tables, too. Along some of the walls are tall, glass windows tinted black, and in the front of the room is the big, wooden stage with a hanging purple curtain.

"Have you tried breaking the glass?" Jonathan asks me, walking towards one of the windows.

"No, actually. The only time I came in here was a little after I first woke up." I reply back, watching Jonathan pick up an old, wooden chair. He looks around the entry, checking for any sign of the animatronics, and throws the chair at the window. The chair hits the glass, but falls to the ground, not even denting it.

"Must be plexy glass." He says, thinking.

"Oh." Is all I can say.

"Let's check behind the stage for the back room." He says to me as he starts walking towards the stage. I give a small nod and follow him up the wooden steps leading to the stage. I see Jonathan lift the curtain and walk behind it. I look around the room one more time before following him.

Once I get backstage, all I see are cobwebs and a dusty floor. I don't see any sign of a door, but I do see three dust-free spots of the floor were the animatronics were standing.

"Did you see that door?" Jonathan says to me. I look to where she's heading and see a small wooden door hidden in the shadows.

'Wow, I'm dumb.' I think to myself, rolling my eyes as I walk towards it.

"Oh, my," I hear Jonathan whisper as he opens the door.

"What? What i-" I stop short as I walk into the room. There are at least 7 or 8 giant animatronic suits sitting around the room. Lining the walls are masks, masks of their faces. Except they don't have eyes. The eyes are just two big holes. On one of the walls is a Large wooden table with a tool box, and on the opposite wall is a giant chair.

"Oh, gosh, what is that smell?" The smell. The room smells of something rotting, like rotting meat, maybe. The room is just light enough for us to be able to see the things in the room.

I look at Jonathan, whose looking around the room.

"What should we do?" He asks me. I honestly don't know how to answer that question.

"Uh, well, I guess we should check the suits?"

"Yeah..." He replies while slowly nodding his head. He starts slowly walking toward the suits, with me right next to him. We get to the first animatronic suit, and it happens to be one of the rabbit that chased me.

"Is it on?" I ask him, keeping my eyes on it.

"I don't think so.." He says. We slowly walk towards the suit, and once we are right next to it, Jonathan puts his hands on the head, and lifts, revealing a mess of wires and other metal things. He sets the head on the ground, and we move on the the next one. One by one, we reveal more wires of the animatronic suits.

"Is the rotten smell getting stronger to you?" I ask, smelling more and more of the revolting smell.

"Yeah, actually, your right..." We walk across the room to an animatronic Freddy suit with its back towards us. Slowly, I walk around towards the front,and see... eyes? The eyes on the face are hanging down, and they look almost human. I feel like I could throw up, because the smell is so fowl. Jonathan comes to stand next to me, and examines the face of the animatronic.

"Um, should I take the head off this one?" He asks me.

I swallow before answering. "...Yeah.."

"Ok.." He slowly reaches his hands up to the head, and after he has hold of it, he slowly starts lifting it. As he lifts the mask, the eyes start moving up the mask, towards the holes, leaving a trail of slimy water. The eyes fall through the holes, and the head is off. I gasp, covering my mouth as I  jump back at the sight. Jonathan drops the head and jumps back next to me. The sight I see is revolting: It's a blood covered face, with the eyes hanging down next to the mouth. Some of the teeth are slightly piercing through the lips, and it looks like his face has been through a cheese grater. One of the wires from the mask is stuck to whats left of his nose, and I know exactly who it is: The phone guy. 

"Come on, lets go." Jonathan says to me, putting an arm around my shoulder as we walk out of there. We leave the room, and he turns and shuts the door. I feel tears forming, and soon after they fall down my cheeks.

"Come on, lets go back to the closet." I nod as he tightens his grip on my shoulder, leading me to the exit. I lower my head as we walk, but I'm jerked back and I fall.


"Shhhhhhh." Jonathan whispers to me, one hand on my shoulder, the other on his lips.

"What? What is it?" I whisper back, fear coming over me.

"Freddy's here."

Hey guys, hope you liked the chapter! I seriously cant thank you guys enough! 664 reads! That's crazy! I hope the graphic part was okay, I mean I did add the horror tag to this. But I seriously love you all!

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