Chapter 19

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Jonathan's POV

We've been walking up the street for about 20 minutes now, watching the fireworks. My injury's have made me really tired, making my chest hurt with each breath. I hope we get to the hospital soon. 

"The hospitals just up there." Kate says with a squeeze of my hand. I look to where she's pointing and I can see the tall building about 5 minutes away. 

"What do we tell them if they ask what happened?" I say as we start up the small hill to the hospital.

"Well, we can tell the truth, but not the whole truth. They'd probably call us crazy." She says. She's probably right about them thinking we're crazy. I mean, I was stuffed into a metal suit by an animatronic rabbit. 

My leg is really hurting once we reach the hospital, and I just want to sit down. We enter the building and walk to the front desk.

"Hello, how may I help you two?" An older woman at the desk asks us.

I was about to answer her when her eyes reach me.

"What happened to you?" She asks me, examining my wounds. 

"I was, um, crushed." I reply, carefully choosing my words. 

"By what? Where were you hurt?" She asks, her eyes widened.

"Well, I was crushed by a big metal thing, and I think I fractured my leg and at least two of my ribs." I say.

"More than that! Your arm is completely infected, and your shirt is covered in blood!" She says. She calls two a medic and tells him what happened as Kate and I sit there.

"You're going to need to be examined for any other injury's. Can you walk?" She asks me, both her and the medic looking at me. I turn and see Kate looking at me, too.

"Well I can, but-" I start, but I was interrupted by the woman at the desk.

"Oh, of course not! You said you might have fractured your leg! Noah, go and get a wheelchair for him!" She commands the medic. 

He nods his head and jogs to where a line of wheel chairs are and brings one to me. I let go of Kate's hand and slowly lower myself into it. I look and see Kate, who looks worried. 

'It's okay.' I mouth, hoping to reassure her. Once I see her smile a bit, I smile back and turn my head around, and look down the halls as I'm being pushed.

Kate's POV

I watch as Jonathan's being pushed down the hall until I can't see him, then go to sit in one of the chairs in the waiting room. I sigh in relief one I'm off my feet, happy to give them a break. But them my worry comes back. What if Jonathan's not okay? What if he lost too much blood? What if his arm is too infected? These questions flood my mind as I wait to hear anything about Jonathan. But soon, tiredness comes over me and I fall asleep.


I'm at what seems to be a party, and I'm with a large group of people. I have a plastic red cup in my hands filled with questionable contents. I look around the room I'm in and there are people dancing to the music, people talking, and they all seem to be around my age. Because of the wooden walls and floors, I think I'm either in a large cabin or just a very wooded house. I look through the window I'm standing by, and see a large bonfire with more people talking and dancing. Other than the fire, we're surrounded by woods. Pretty sure we're in a forest.

"Come on, Kate! Come dance with us!" Someone says, who I recognize to be one of my best friends, Sasha. She's shorter than me, with long blonde hair down to her waist. 

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