Chapter 11

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Jonathan's POV

I think about what Kate said earlier, about looking for it. I just completely dismissed the idea, and didn't even give it a second glance.

'Gosh, I can be so annoying sometimes..'

I look over to Kate and see she's reading the back of one of the bottles of cleaner that was on the shelf. To think of it, I'm pretty bored myself. I mean, we could be looking for an exit like Kate said, and I'm just cowering in the safety of a supply closet.

'Wow, what a man I am...'

"Hey, Kate?" I ask her, rethinking the idea of exploration.

She looks up from the bottle she was reading and looks at me.


"Sorry I just discarded the idea of looking for the animatronic. I was just scared, and I don't want you getting hurt. I can be really stupid sometimes." I say to her, noticing a soft blush on her cheeks.

"You're not stupid, you're a doctor, remember?" She says with a small laugh. I laugh myself as she continues. " And I get it, I'm scared too. But we do have to get out of here. How much food do we have, anyway?"

She always knows what to say. It's comforting knowing I'm not the only one scared (selfish, I know.). She's always just so nice to me, even when I just ignored something smart she said.

"Um, let me check on that."

I look into the bag where we store our food, and notice how we only have a granola bar left. I reach in and grab it, then throw it to Kate.

"Here, think fast!"

She catches it between her fingers, but she loses her grip and it falls from her hand to the floor. She slowly turns her head to look at me, her face holding a seriously annoyed expression. 


I can't help but crack up laughing at the way she looks, and I end up having to put my hand on the ground so I don't fall over. I look back up at her, and she's still just sitting there, staring. I laugh even more and have to wipe a tear from my eye, my abs hurting now. I hear her start to laugh a little too and see she's smiling and laughing with me. But eventually, I calm down and I regain the ability to speak normally.

"Okay, okay. I hope my laugh didn't attract all the animatronics in the building." I say with a smile.

"I sure hope not. But seriously, is this all we have?" She replies, holding up the granola bar I tossed her.

"Yeah. So let's go out like you said earlier and look for food. Bring a water bottle, too. We can fill them up in the bathroom." I say, starting to get up with a water bottle in my hand.

She grabs one and gets up, stretching her arms and legs. I step back for her to unlock the door, and we head out.

Kate's POV

"So, which way do you want to go?" I ask Jonathan as we step out of the closet.

"Um, lets go right. We always seem to go left."

"Sure, lets go."

As we walk down the hallway, I notice there's shapes on the ground, revealing the tile floor from under the dust, and realize it's where the animatronics have walked. I look back up and continue walking, thoughts of the sprinting animatronic coming to mind. I try not to look so worried, but I fail.

"You okay?" He asks me, sensing my worry.

"Yup, I'm just fine," I smile and try to act relaxed. He studies my face, and I can tell he knows I'm worried. But he just looks forward again, dropping it. I internally thank him, because the last thing I want to do is get him worried about me. I mean, we already have enough on our plates.

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