Chapter 17

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Jonathan's POV

"I'm going to go check out the hallway." Kate says. She gets up but I reach and grab her arm.

"Wait, I'm coming with you." I protest as I try to get up after her.

"Jon, you need to stay here. You'd be safer here, and look, you cant even get up without help. I'm keeping you hear because I care about you. Plus, you're a docter, you should know you need rest."

She helps me into a comfortable position against the wall and starts making her way towards the door.

"I know, but I want to come with you! I mean, I just found you, and I dont want to lose you for real." I say, feeling worried for her and sad at the same time.

She flashes a smile as I talks, making me feel a bit better seeing it again.

"That's why I'm keeping you here. And don't worry about me, I'll be fine. The hallway's just around the corner, so I'll be back before you know it." She says. And with thatshe's out the door.

Kate's POV

I close and lock the door behind me and walk towards the hallway. I keep my eyes and ears open for any signs of the animatronics, but I can't see or hear any. I turn the corner and walk towards the double doors. I can see the busted lock on the door as I near it, and start to slow down. I almost forgot that Foxy might be in there. I slow down as I reach the doors, and poke my head around for any signs of Foxy. The hallway looks the same as the others; dusty, tile floors, broken glass here and there, cobwebs, trashcans, and a flickering fluorescent light, 'lighting' it. I see another set of metal double doors further down at the end of the hallway, and no sign of foxy. I start to walk down the hallway, getting creeped out by the eeriness.

As I approach the doors, I notice a small window near the top of each door, and another wooden door on the right side of the hall. Once I get to the double doors, I grab the handle and push. It's locked. I reach for the paperclip in my pocket and twist it in the lock, but I don't hear the click. I sigh in confusion and push on the door, but it's still locked. I look up at the tiny windows, and notice they're not blacked out like the other windows. I stretch onto my tiptoes, and my eyes barley reach the bottom of it. I look outside and I see.... trees? I see trees! I see trees, bushes, sidewalks, cars, and even a little store! My heart starts racing as my mind processes that the only thing keeping me from getting outside is this stupid door. I turn from the window and start heading back to the closet, not caring about the other door. I quickly make my way around the corner and to the closet, stuffing the paperclip into the lock.

"Jonathan!" I yell as I shut the door. His head shoots up and he stares at me, wide-eyed. I must have woken him.

"You scared me! What, what is it?" He asks me.

"It's the exit! We found it Jonathan! There were tiny windows that I looked through and there were trees and bushes and everything you'd see outside!" I rush out with excitement. A toothy grin grows o his face as I blurt out everything.

"So we can get out of this place, like right now?" He says. My smile fades a bit when he says that, because I totally forgot it was locked.

"Well, not quite right now, it's locked. My paper clip didn't work on it, so we have to find a key." I say, a bit slower and with less enthusiasm. I see Jonathan's smile drop a little, but it picks back up in a matter of seconds.

"Well don't seem so sad! We just have to find a key and then we're out!"

He can always lift my spirits, that boy.

"You're right. I'm going to go look for the key." I say, getting up again.

"I'm coming this time, okay? No if's of but's about it." He says, pushing himself up on his good leg. I decide to let him come this time, because if we do find the key, we can get out of here sooner. Plus, two searchers are better than one.

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