Chapter 20

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2 Months Later (Please don't kill me)

Kate's POV

In the last two months I've been able to increase my relationships with a lot of people. My family, my friends, and Jonathan. Thankfully, Jonathan recovered from surgery alright, and it's like nothing even happened to him. But I'm sure he still remembers everything that happened at Freddy's like it was yesterday; I still do.

I'm in my room, reading the book my class was assigned to read over summer when I get a text from Jonathan.

Jonathan: hey, are you busy?

Me: No, not really. Everything okay?

Jonathan: yeah, you want to meet me at the park?

I decide to stop m homework for now and meet up with Jonathan. Luckily, there's a park an equal distance away from both our houses, so we meet there from time to time.

Me: Sure. See ya in 15 minutes?

Jonathan: Alright :)

I get up from my chair and walk to my dresser, grabbing a blue sweatshirt and a pair of socks. I pull the sweatshirt over my head and slip on my socks, and head down stairs.

I start walking towards the door when a sharp pain goes through my foot. I wince, and lift my foot to see what I stepped on. My 9 year old brother Mason's red Lego was stuck to my foot. Rolling my eyes, I take the Lego out of my foot and inspect it.

"Mom, tell Mason to pick up his Lego's!" I say to my mom, who's making something in the kitchen.

"Okay honey. Are you going somewhere?" She asks me, looking up from the bowl of mixed ingredients in her hands.

"Yeah, I'm going to the park to meet up with Jonathan." I say, grabbing my shoes by the door.

"Alright, but I need to ask you a favor." I look up and see she's still mixing the bowl.

"Is everything alright?" I ask, walking over to her.

"Yeah, I just need you to take Mason to a birthday tomorrow." She says, setting the bowl down on the counter and looking at me.

"Uh, sure. Where?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Um, I think it's at Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria. And you'll have to stay there, not just drop him off." I widen my eyes and instantly think about everything that happened there.

"What? I thought it closed down?" I ask, panic obvious in my voice.

"No, they just switched locations, At least, that's what the card says," She starts, taking the invitation from the refrigerator, then handing it to me. "Yeah, they just moved."

I look at the invitation, and it does indeed say Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria. My heart beat quickens as I fall into a sudden panic.

"What? No, mom I cant. You know I don't like that place. I can't take him. Why can't you do it?" I ask, memories of all of my almost deaths flooding my brain.

"I have a meeting at work, and I wont be home in time. And whats not to like? I mean, the pizza's not that bad." She says, eyeing me with curiosity.

"Mom, I told you why I don't like it! I was trapped there for three weeks and almost died!" I say to my mom, frustration and panic taking over me.

I watch as my mom rolls her eyes. "Kate, you need to stop saying that. I think you just had a bad dream after a little too much to drink during your camping trip." My mom says.

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