Chapter 16

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Jonathan's POV (Kate just discovered the hallway but went back to the closet to sleep)

I'm alive. How am I alive? Why am I alive, I should be dead. The pain from being dragged and stuffed into the suit had knocked me out, leaving me asleep for who knows how long. Slowly I open my eyes, and I'm surrounded by darkness, except near the top of the suit there is a gap, keeping me from being surrounded by pure darkness. As my eyes adjust, I feel a sharp pain on the left side of my body, and realize it's my leg that's letting in the light, being crushed by the metal head of the animatronic suit. My body is bent in a way I didn't know my body could do. Looking straight ahead of me, I'm met with my knees 3 inches in front of my face. I look down at my chest, and a metal beam is pushing into my ribs, making it hard to breath. My right arm has a long cut going from my shoulder to my elbow, and small wires are sticking in it from dried blood. My body aches from the pain, and I know I need to get out. Firstly, I need to get the head off this thing. I look at my foot, bracing myself for the pain, and lift. The head hardly moves. My left ankle has to be broken. I bend my right knee and slide my foot into the gap, and try again. The head slowly lifts, and starts sliding off the suit until it falls to the ground with a loud thud. I stay still, trying to recover from the pain in my foot, and listen for any animatronics.

Once I'm sure I'm safe, I slowly lift my left arm and grab hold of the metal beam pushing into my chest and try to lift it. As soon as my hand makes contact with the cold metal, the beam slides more towards my chest, making me wince in pain. Quickly, I pull back the beam until it's not touching my chest anymore, and push it as far away from me as I can. The pain in my chest it so unbearable, I don't know if I can even get out of this suit. 1 or 2 of my ribs must be broken. I think about Kate, and the pain I'm feeling worsens. I don't know if she made it safely out of the dining room, heck, she could be in the suit right next to me! I need to find her, I have too. I grab another beam with my left hand, and an indent in the suit with my right, and push up. As soon as I put pressure on my right arm, I feel something cold running down it, and I realize it had started to bleed. I gain my composure and try again, fighting the pain until half of my body it out of the suit. I keep pushing as hard as I can until gravity finishes the job and my feet touch the floor. I close my eyes and sit down, the pain all over my body making me dizzy.

Once my head stops spinning, I open my eyes and look around. The suit room looks the same, and I don't see any sign of Kate being here, but I force myself to get up and check each suit anyways. I look into every suit and find each empty, except for the once with the phone guy. Just thinking about Kate being in as much pain as I am right now makes my heart hurt. I look down at my body, and I'm a wreck. My jeans have blood on them, and the middle of my shirt does too. I lift my shirt and look at the wounds on my ribs. My skin is slightly cut and bleeding, and the surrounding skin is purplish-green from bruising. I lower my shirt and make my way to the door, limping as I go.


"Kate? Kate, where are you?" I call as I limp down the hall. I've been walking for around 15 minutes now, and still no sign of her. The halls are filled with dust, making me cough. Each time I cough though, I feel like I might die. The pain from my ribs is becoming unbearable. I want to find Kate and leave. I miss her so much.

I managed to find a broken chair in the dining room so with my good arm and leg I broke off a few more pieces and made myself a crutch. It helps the pain in my leg, but my arm is beginning to hurt.

"Kate? Where are you? Kate?"

I come across a familiar hallway, and remember it's the hallway with the closet. Maybe Kate is in there! I start to limp faster now, hoping to find her. Suddenly my crutch catches in a crack in the tiles, sending me down. I land on my ribs with a thump, and let out a cry of pain. Slowly I turn onto my back and try to catch my breath, holding back the tears forming in my eyes. I've never been in so much pain before.

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