Chapter 10

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Kate's POV

" Hey, Kate. Kate, wake up, I think I heard something."

I slowly open my eyes to see Jonathan looking at me. I smile up to him and see he has worry in his eyes. All the tiredness I still felt is gone as I sit up to look at him.

"What, what is it?" I say to him, myself now getting worried.

" I think I heard something, but I don't know what it is. I was going to check, but I didn't want to scare you again, so I woke you up." 

"Thanks, for waking me up." I say with a smile. I'm glad he thought of waking me up. If it were an animatronic coming down the hall, he could of froze up again. "What did you hear?" I ask him, getting worried again.

"Um, it was kind of like, um, like really fast steps, but they sounded like animatronic steps. But all the animatronics can't run. Like, it was as if an animatronic ran down the hall."

I could tell he was a little bit scared. He was stuttering a lot, so I new I had to calm him down.

"Hey, it's okay. If it ran down the hall, that means it doesn't know we're in here, so we're fine."

I could see he was starting to calm down a little at my words, but I had to be serious, too.

"But you're right. I hadn't seen any of the animatronics run before. Maybe there's four animatronics, not just three?" I say.

He starts to get worried again, and I kind of feel bad. But I know it had to be said, just to make sure we were on the look out for all four of them next time we venture out.

"Maybe. I mean, how could an animatronic that big, just sprint down a hallway? There has to be a fourth one."  He looks up at me as he says that, waiting for my answer.

"You're right," I reply. "Should we go look for it? Or wait a little while, just in case it's near."

His eyes get wide as I look at him. He probably thinks I'm asking for death.

"Are you crazy? If it sees us, there's no way we could out run it. Especially you with your hurt ankle!"

I had forgotten that I'd hurt it, because it feels a whole lot better. But he's right. If it's as fast at he says it is, there's no way I could run from it. I never was one of those extremely athletic girls, anyway.

" Yeah, I guess your right. But my ankle feels a lot better now." I say looking up at him. He had stood up to block the door while I was examining my ankle, but he's smiling now. He has such a nice smile...

"Well, good. All that resting helped. See, I could be a doctor." he gives a small laugh as I smile back at him.

"Yup, Dr.Jonathan to the rescue." I let out a small laugh, not being able to stop it because of the way Jonathan looks. I think he's trying to impersonate a doctor, but it's not working.

"What are you even doing?" I ask him with the same smile that's been plastered to my face. But before he can answer, I hear the sound of glass plates falling. Both of our looks turn serious as Jonathan turns to look through the small crack between the door and door frame. 

Jonathan's POV

I turn my head to look out into the hallway, trying to pin point the source of the crashing sound. But I hear the same sound I had heard earlier. The same sound of metal steps sprinting down the echo-y hallway, coming towards me. My heart beats faster and faster as the foot steps get louder. I can see the shadow of a much slimmer animatronic get larger each second, when I see it. I see the animatronic race right by the door, down the hall.

"What did it look like?" Kate asks me with concern in her voice. I turn from the door to look at her, and see her face reflects the same worry as her tone.

"Um, I think it was like a reddish color. Yeah, and it had a long face, and a hook hand." I say, recalling what I just saw. "It was hard to tell, because of how fast it was going. It was a lot thinner than the others, too."

I can see she's trying to picture it in her mind, but before she can say anything, I hear it coming back. I turn towards the door and look out the crack as it gets nearer, but something happens that I didn't expect: It starts slowing down. Its shadow again getting larger as it comes closer, almost coming to a complete stop. But it does. It tops right in front of the door. I hold my breath as my fear starts taking over me. Ever so slowly, the rust colored animatronic slowly turns it's head towards the door, the noise making my skin crawl.

'This is it. This is how we die. I just told Kate we'd make it out, and now we die. By some stupid animatronic.'

It's just sitting there, staring at me. The animatronic is just staring at me. I'm pretty sure it's a fox, but it's the scariest fox I've ever seen. It's eyes seem to give a deathly glow in the dark hallway, making me want to throw up. I'm so tense, that if anything happens I'd jump right out of my skin. But out of no where, it turns it head back with a sharp twist, and sprints down the hallway. 

I just sit there, in shock. I let out the breath I'd been holding and slowly turn around to see Kate standing right behind me.

"Are you okay?" She says, her voice filled with concern and worry. I tell her what I saw as I calm down. 

"The animatronic, it just stopped. Right in front of me. It turned it's head, and looked right at me. I thought it was going to kill us, because it looked strong enough to break the door down. But then it just ran off." 

"It's okay, Jonathan. You're not dead, it ran off. Hey, maybe it's scared of doctors." 

I smile when she said that. She always knows what to say to make me feel better. I look at her, smiling, and see she is too. She truly is amazing.

Guys. You guys are crazy. 1,000+ reads. I seriously cant believe it! When I first started this story, my goal was 15 reads. But to have over 1,000 is a dream come true. I can't thank you enough! I know the chapter was a little short this week, I was having a small writers block while writing it. But I hope it's okay! Let me know what you think in the comments!

Don't forget to,



and, READ! 


-Abby :)

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