Chapter 3

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I get up from the chair and keep looking through the files. "I'm scared out of my mind, but maybe I can get out of here."  I say to myself. In the files, all I see are job applications, some empty and some filled out, flyers, newspapers, and receipts. I give up looking in the security room and decide to leave. With a shaky breath I exit the safety of the security room. Even though I just learned about the roaming animatronics, I can't let my fear keep me in this place forever. I walk around the halls, noticing broken glass on the stained tile floors. 

 "Hello? Is anyone else here? Hello?" I call out, hoping to find someone. As I expected, no one replys. Frustrated, I continue looking around.

 'There it is again!' I think, looking around as I hear that villainous laugh for the second time. I try not to let it freak me out too much, and continue exploring the empty halls. After walking around for a while, I find another locked, wooden door. I take the paper clip from my pocket, twisting and turning it in the lock as I did before. But when I open the door, I realize that all this led to was the janitors closet. It's pretty big, so maybe I can hide here if I need to. I check the lock to see if I had jammed it, and to my luck, I hadn't. After searching around for anything I could use, I leave the janitors closet, closing the door after me, and continue looking for a way out. 


'What the heck was that?' I start getting worried as I look around me. 'It sounded like a glass fell...'

I start heading back to the security room, worried abut what happened, and hoping whatever made the glass fall won't find me. 


I hear what sounds like another glass breaking. I turn around, trying to figure out where the sound came from. Speed walking, I try to find my way back to the security room. I finally get there, and shut and lock the door behind me. Relieved that I'm some-what safe, I sit back down in the chair and look at the cameras. All of my relief and feeling of safety is gone. I see two of the most horrific things in my whole life. In the camera that shows the hallway I was just in, is the  animatronic chicken from the flyer. And in the camera showing the dining room, is a purple animatronic rabbit, also from the flyer. 

'Oh my gosh! What the heck?! What would have happened if the chicken found me?' I think, to horrified to even blink.

 I look around, still in terror, for anything useful. My eyes fall on two switches on both sides of the room, by the metal doors. The top one is labeled light and the bottom is labeled door. Near the metal doors are small square windows, showing me part of the hallways.

'I wonder why I didn't notice the windows before? And how big is this restaurant?' I think, while I continue to look around the room. 

I see that some of the papers on the wall were drawings, and notice a small red stain on the floor. '

I hope that's not... not blood..' I think to myself, swallowing.

 I look at the power screen, and see the power percentage is at 100. I turn my attention back to the two buttons near the metal door on my left. I press the 'light'  button and see a light flickering out the window. I remove my finger and the light turns off. Next, I look at the door button. 

'I don't wanna do this..but.. I need to make sure it works..' I think to myself while cautiously inching my finger towards it.

 I press the button and the left door fly's open, making me step back, now vulnerable to the hallway. This one stays open after I remove my finger, so I press it again quickly and watch as the metal door comes back down, keeping me inside. I turn my attention back to the power button, checking how much I have left. 

'83%? Already?'  I think, examining the big 83.

 My eyes start getting droopy as I stare at it, confused and frustrated at how quickly 20% of my power is gone. I didn't realize how tired I was until now. I look at the black computer chair next the the desk. 

'Well, the chair is pretty comfy..' I think, walking over to it. I sit down, putting my feet up on the desk, and close my eyes. 

Hope you liked chapter 3! Things are going to get interesting really soon!

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Thanks again!

- Abby :)

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