Chapter 12

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Kate's POV

"Put the book down already and go to sleep!"

Jonathan had been reading the joke book for at least two hours now. We had been walking around all day today, and was about to pass out. But somehow, Jonathan still sat there, reading through the book, telling me a cheesy joke every so often.

"Okay, okay, in a minute." He said to me.

"Jon, you need to sleep. We walked around all day, and we need energy. Give me the book please." I replied, reaching for the book. He looked up at me, grinning.

"Okay, mom," he started, handing me the book. "There you go. I like when you call me Jon, by the way." He says, grinning with a wink.

I roll my eyes as I feel my face heating up. "Just go to sleep." I feeling exhaustion take over me as I lay back down.

"Goodnight, Kate." He says.

My eyes had fallen shut, but I slowly open them to see Jonathan laying down . There's been a question on my mind that I've wanted to ask, so I ask him now.

"Hey, Jon?"


"Have you started to remember things yet?"

"Well, I have. Like, sometimes I wake up and remember things about my friends, and what we used to do, stuff like that. Sometimes I remember stuff about my parents. What about you?" He asks me.

"Yeah, me too. I remember stuff like what you said, things about my friends and my mom, what I used to do with them, what I liked to do, stuff that makes a person a person, really."

"Do you remember things about your dad?" 

"No, I don't. I wonder why?"

"Maybe it will come back soon?"

"Yeah, maybe." I say, closing my eyes again. I feel like I could sleep forever.


I wake up with a memory. At least, I'm 99 percent positive I'm right. I look over to see Jonathan waking up, and I decide to tell.

"Hey, Jonathan." I say.

He looks up at me and smiles.

"Anything come back?" 

"Yes actually. I think it's my birthday today. I'm 18."

"Really? Happy birthday!" He says with a huge smile on his face.

I smile as he gives me a big hug.

"So, we have to celebrate!"

I just look at him like he's crazy. Maybe he forgot that we're stuck in a pizza place with killing animatronics.

"How are we supposed to do that? We're stuck here, remember?"

"Um, Ooh! I have an idea." He says, getting up. He still has the same grin stuck on his face.

"What? Tell me!"

"It's a surprise. But I'm determined to make this not the worst birthday you've ever had! But I'll need the paper clip." He says, holding out his hand.

"I'm coming with you if you have to leave." I say, handing him the paper clip.

"Um, no. You, have to stay here. To keep you protected on your birthday, and to keep my surprise a secret."  He says with a wink. And with that, he's out the door.

Jonathan's POV 

I start walking down the hallway towards Pirate's Cove. The first thing I need to celebrate Kate's birthday is something to do. I mean, you shouldn't be bored on your birthday! 

I open the door and look around. It's still as creepy as it was when we first came here. I walk towards the cubbys.

'I'm pretty sure I saw a few board games over here... There they are!'

I pick up the 'Monopoly' and 'Game of Life' boxes and look around one more time before leaving. But I see something. By the back wall, I see something, tall. Rust colored. I can just barely make out... oh no. It's Foxy.

The rust colored animatronic is just standing there, staring at the back wall. I'm frozen, only thinking that I'm going to die. But then I think of Kate. I can't die. I have to get out of here. I look at the door, then back at Foxy. If it didn't hear me come in, then it shouldn't hear me come out. I slowly start walking backwards towards the door, not taking my eyes off the animatronic. I reach my hand behind me and grab the door handle, and slowly turn it. I push on the door and start walking backwards until I'm in the hallway. I start closing the door, but it creaks. As soon as it makes a sound Foxy's head whips around in my direction. I'm frozen.

It continues to stare as it's body starts turning to face me, but I think of Kate again, and how I couldn't live with myself if I left her here. I slam the door shut and start to run. I don't know where, but I keep going until I come across a bathroom. I quickly turn in and shut the door behind me and listen. Listen for any sounds of Foxy. Then I hear it. I hear the sound of the door opening, and the thumping steps of the animatronic running down the hall. It's steps get louder and louder as it gets closer, and then, I hear it right outside the door as it races past. After a minute or so, I finally start to calm down. My heart rate slows to normal, and I get the courage to leave the restroom and make my way to the dining  room. I want to find something sweet for Kate.

I get to the dining room, and start searching the kitchen for anything with sugar. I look through all the drawers when I find a bag of chocolate chips. Happy with my find, I start heading back to the closet. I've been out a long time, and I probably have Kate worried by now. 


"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Kate, happy birthday to you!" I sing as I walk into the closet. I see Kate getting up from the ground as I set down the games and the chocolate, and I give her a big birthday hug. 

"Did you run into any trouble?" Kate asks me, breaking the hug.

I don't want to make her worried, so I decide not to tell her about Foxy.

"Nope. None. Now let's play a game! Which one you wanna play?"

"Um, let's play life."

"Alright. The 18 year old goes first!" I say, opening the box.

"You're 18, too." She says to me, sitting down.

"I know. Then the newest 18 year old goes first." 

Hi guys. I can't believe we have 1,500+ reads! It's crazy! Sorry this chapter wasn't my best. I had a writers block while writing it, so that's why. I really hope you guys are enjoying my story! Leave any suggestions you have in the comments, and I always read them. 

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