Chapter 18

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Kate's POV

"Oh Kate?"

I stop shuffling through the papers I was searching and turn around. Jonathan's grinning ear to ear when I see the item in his hand. The key!

"You found it?" I ask, walking over to him and taking the key to examine it further.

"Yeah, for some reason Toy Story 3 came to mind when the key was behind the paper, and it was there. How crazy is that?"

"Super crazy." I say, still looking over the key.

"We can get out now." I say while going in for a hug. I wrap my small arms around him as he does the same to me.

"When do you want to leave? I know it's not much of a question though, just thought I'd ask."

I think about this for a minute. Of course, the only thing I want to do is sprint to the door and go, but I know that's not logical. I mean, we can't sprint, because Jonathan's injury's, plus, we need rest.

"I say we go back to the closet, and leave when we wake up tomorrow. Obviously, I want to leave right now, but you know we cant, right?" I ask him.

"Of course. Just double checking with you." He says. I smile into his chest, glad that he understands my thinking.

"Well, let's head back. We'll need our rest, especially since we don't know how far the nearest hospital is."

"Mmm-hmm. Let's go."

I help Jonathan into his chair, and we make our way back to the closet. I reach for his hand, and hold it in mine. Jonathan put the key in his pocket to keep it safe for the night. I look around the halls hopefully for the last time, I'll never forget this place; it will always haunt my nightmares. I can hear the faint sounds of the animatronics moving around, but the noise is distant, so I don't really worry about it. But that noise will always make my skin crawl, at least a little bit.

"Are you gonna miss this place?" Jonathan asks me.

Shocked, I look down at him. Once I see the smile on his face, it finally occurs to me he was messing around. A smile grows on my face as I reply.

"Not one bit. Gosh, I can still see Bonnie's face, the first time I saw it. Still as horrifying as ever." I say.

"I bet. This place will always haunt my nightmares." He replies.

We finally round the corner to the familiar closet door.

"This is the hallway we first met. You remember that?" Jonathan asks me. I look around the hallway, remembering hearing his voice the first time.

"Clearly. I wonder how long we've been in here. Two, three weeks, maybe?" I ask, curiosity getting to me.

"Sounds right. We haven't been here for a drastic amount of time, like a month, but longer than a week for sure."

I nod, agreeing with him as I take the paper clip from my pocket. I twist it around in the lock until I hear it click. I twist the nob and push the door open, letting the warm, musty air of the closet meet with the cold air of the haunting hallways. I push Jonathan's chair in, then close the door behind us. As soon as it's locked, I turn around and help Jonathan to the cement floor. Gosh, when we leave, I can't wait to actually sleep on a mattress...

I lay down on the ground next to Jonathan, and think about all the things I'm excited for once we leave this awful place: a real shower, warm food, a mattress..

I'm pulled from my thoughts when Jonathan grabs my hand. I look and see him smiling at me, and I smile back.

"Can you believe we're actually leaving this place?"

Taken to Freddy'sOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant