Chapter 5

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        'Was that.. another person?' I get up slowly -trying to put as little weight on my hurt ankle- from where I'm sitting and put my ear to the door.

"Hello? Anyone?"

It has to be someone else. I couldn't be imagining it, right? I step back from the door and open it, poking my head out. Down the hall I think I see the outline of another person.

"Hello?" I say, hoping to get their attention. The person turns towards my direction, and I see it's a guy, and he looks about my age. His eyes get wide as he sees me. I step out of the closet, and debate walking over to him. I decide to anyway, so we can talk quieter. He looks a little startled when I start limping over, but then calms down a bit when he can see me through the darkness better.

"Um, do you know how I got here? How you got here? I just woke up here, and I don't know how or why." His voice is worried, but I can tell he's trying to remain calm. He looks nice, and trustworthy, so I should be grateful that the only other person in here isn't a maniac or something.

"Um, I'm not sure either. I woke up here, just like you, and I can't really remember much. Um, what's your name?" I ask him. I really hope he can remember more then I can...

"My name? Um, it's Jonathan.. are you hurt?" He replies, eyeing my swollen ankle.

"Oh, I'm fine, just tripped.." I didn't want to tell him I hurt my ankle running from an animatronic that was trying to kill me.. Even to me it sounds unbelievable. Plus, my ankle is feeling a little better...

"Oh, are you sure? That looks pretty bad.. And I don't think I caught your name, either."

I can't believe forgot to tell him my name! I feel myself start to blush from embarrassment, but I hope he can't see from the darkness.

" Sorry, it's Kate. And yeah, my ankle's fine. Did you happen to fine an exit anywhere?" I immediately regret asking, because I know it's a stupid question. I mean, if he found one already, I wouldn't be talking to him. I keep embarrassing myself in front of him!

"No, I didn't. Have you been looking? Well of course you have... that was a dumb question.." He trails off at the end, and I can't hide my small laugh. He smiles at that, and so do I. I hadn't realized how much I've missed human interaction since I've been here..

"Do you want to keep looking around? We might get lucky, now that there's two of us?"


I tell him the areas I've searched, so we walk the halls I haven't seen before. He has light brown hair, and crystal blue eyes that I can't stop from staring at. He's pretty tall, around 3-4 inches taller than I am. He's pretty attractive... We talk about random things as we search, and I like getting to know him. It feels like forever since I've talked to someone...

"Ah, crap.." I mumble to myself, leaning against a wall to look at the bottom of my foot. I forgot I had taken my shoes off, and I hadn't paid attention to the ground. There was a small piece of glass stuck in my foot, and it had started bleeding.

"That looks painful, I'll look for something to help.." Jonathan looks around, and searches a few rooms near by. I smile because of his kindness, even when he's trapped in some stupid restaurant. He walks back to me and says he found a table in one of the rooms down the hall. "You probably shouldn't walk on that.." He takes my arm and puts it around his shoulder, letting me lean on him for support.

"Thank you, for being so kind to me when we've just met."  I say as we start down the hall.

"Sure thing, I wouldn't want to have to walk around a huge building with glass stuck in my foot." He replies with a small laugh at the end. I smile as we continue down the dark, dusty hallway until we get to the room he was talking about. Surprisingly, there's a battery powered light in there, so we can actually see something. He helps me onto the table and takes a look at my foot.

"It shouldn't be too hard to get out, but I don't know if we can find a bandage. And I don't think your ankle is doing to well, either.. how did you trip, anyways?" He says, looking at me with a curious gaze.

 I decide to tell him about the animatronics, and how we are actually stuck in a pizzeria.

"Well, I was running from an animatronic rabbit that was trying to kill me. There are four animatronics, but I've only seen three. It's kind of a long story, so I'll tell you later." He looks at me as if I were insane.

"You can tell me now, this glass is really stuck in here..."

I wince as he pulls the glass a little, making him apologies.

"Well, we are in some shut down restaurant called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, and there are four singing animatronics. There is a purple rabbit, a chicken wearing a bib, a bear with a microphone, and a pirate fox. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm telling the truth. So because of an attack about 30 years ago from one of the animatronics, they can't walk around during the day, but they do at night. The power has been off since this place closed down. But when I turned it on again, the animatronics turned back on. The power runs out super quickly, and it's already run out. But because the power was off for so long, I think the animatronics can walk around without power for as long as the power was off previously. If they see a human, they will try to stuff them into an old suit, which will kill them. I found the security office, and when I turned the power on, the phone started playing old messages that sounded like an old security guard telling a new one about this place, and what to expect. That's how I  learned all of this stuff." I finally finish, and I see Jonathan has gotten the glass out, and he's just staring at me, his eyes widened with shock.

"So let me get this straight. There are four animatronics that have been off for a long time, and now that the power was turned on, they are walking around  this resteraunt. If hey find us, they will try to kill us by stuffing us into suits, which will kill us. Correct?" He says, looking at me with the same shocked expression.

I sigh before I answer. "Yeah.. so we need to be careful. I haven't seen or heard one of them since I was in the janitors closet."

"I guess that's a good thing?" He replies, looking at me before looking around the room, in search of something.

"Yeah.. This is all so crazy..." I say back. We stay quiet for a while until he speaks up again.

"That could be useful.." He says, looking in the corner of the room, by the door. I follow his gaze and see it's an extra shirt from the Freddy Fazbear uniform. He walks over and picks it up, inspecting the thin fabric. He rips it into thick strips, then walks back over to me. He wraps some of the strips around my foot, and some around my ankle, giving me some relief.

"That feels a lot better, thanks." I say to him with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm glad I could help." He says, smiling back. He has a great smile... 

'What am I thinking?...' I feel myself blushing a little, but I look away, hoping he didn't notice. I get down from the table, and we continue our search for an exit, talking every now and then. I'm really glad I'm not the only one who's here.

Thank you all so much for reading! I cant believe we have 147 reads already! It feels like a dream.

Don't forget to



And of course,


Thanks again!


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