Chapter 7

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The funeral



Dream hated funerals. Not because someone died, but because it meant they were actually dead. Maybe, if you didn't have to look at the body you could imagine they went to vacations and were planing on staying a long time. They could be on top of a mountain with a thin layer of snow, they could be on a big city buying street food and eating on expensive restaurants or they could be on a beautiful beach with a blue sea and an exagerated amount of fish. But, if you see their body there, they aren't on a trip, at least not on earth, that's what Dream hated about funerals, seeing the body of a person just laying there. So peaceful, yet so harmful. 

Therefore, he would've probably skipped Wilbur's, but there he was, standing behing his whole family and watching the body of his best friend just there. That wasn't Wilbur anymore, it was a corpse of a person that used to be so funny yet so estressing. None of the people there wantes to be there, most of them had forgoten that Wilbur used to live. But, he didn't. Dammit he even remembered exactly what happened the day he lost everything.

I started the day as a normal one, with a big cup of coffee and some headache pills. Yesterday I was so wasted I couldn't even remember how I got home.

"Wilbur" I shouted to the room wondering if he was home, probably no

"Hey, what's up Clay" Wilbur said entering the room 

"What happened yesterday?" 

"You got drunk as fuck, so I brought you home" Wilbur said peacefully

"I doubt you weren't drunk Wilby" I said with a sarcastic smile

"One: no, I was high and-"

"Oh, come on, same thing" I interrupted and stood up of my bed, just to realize I was naked and covered in the sheets "Shit"

"and two: don't call me fucking Wilby" Wilbur said exiting the room 

I just wheezed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Today was the last day of school and I was going to dress better than normally. I had some blue jeans and a white hoodie. Maybe it wasn't very formal but that's how I normally dressed.

"Hey Clay, are you going to the party?" Wilbur asked while they walked to their class, since it was the last day they only had a 4pm class of history and then they would have a two week break for some improvements to the campus. This excited me, but I was kinda sad I wouldn't get to see Wilbur for 2 weeks. These may seem exagerated, but me and Wilbur were always together since we were like 8 years old, so 2 weeks seemed like a lot of time. Wilbur was staying with his parents on London, while I am staying on Florida with my abusive mother, fun.

"Heeeey, earth to Clay?" Wilbur laughed and said looking at Dream with a huge smile "you got lost in your thoughts buddy" 

"Oh, um yeah I'm going" I said "you?"

"I'm not sure, it would be really unsafe, it wont be like the parties we go to, you know" Wilbur paused and looked at me, he looked serious "it wont be a chill party "

"Well, I'm going, I'm not a pussy" I mocked "I like harcore parties!" I said laughing

We entered the classroom and sat on our desks, which were next to eachother.

"But, like bro, I don't want you to go alone" Wilbur said 

"Then come with me, you could even get that chick you like" I said pointing at Wibur's lifelong crush.

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