Chapter 20

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Back 2 school

TW: Fat-shaming, manipulative behavior.

Long chapter........................?

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A week passed, so the three boys started getting ready for their first school day. George had driven them to the campus on Saturday, so they already knew their rooms. Dream was in room 402, Sapnap in 404, and George in 406, so it would be easier to walk to the campus together in the morning. 

Sapnap and Dream already knew people there, so it would be easier for them, but George was a total stranger from the other side of the world, fun.

As George drove to the campus he wouldn't stop overthinking everything, he went to check if he left the door open 4 times, and had checked for his toothbrush 5 times. He wasn't used to being "the new kid", since he grew up in a small town where everyone knew everybody, and he was known on the internet due to his channel, so making creator friends wasn't hard at all. But, he was scared of not fitting with the Floridian people.

They arrived at the campus half an hour before George's first class, so he went to the cafeteria, there he saw Bad and Skeppy arguing about god knows what and eating burritos. George went over to them and when Bad saw him he stood up and hugged him.

"Hi George" Bad said and stopped the hug seeing the older wasn't hugging back "sorry, I am very reckless when it comes to hugging"

"Oh-" George said "don't worry, you just scared me"

Bad smiled and they sat at the table, George started eating an apple he brought from his house as the other two kept arguing.

The bell rang a few minutes later and George stood up and started walking to his class. He walked slowly through the crowded hallways and kept apologizing for every time somebody bumped him. He finally found his classroom and sat at a table in the back, he then saw a familiar blonde enter the door being followed by a bunch of people. He was laughing and talking to everybody, George couldn't help but stare, Dream looked so happy and his laugh, o god his laugh, George loved his laugh. Well, he loved all of him being honest.

Dream sat at the back of the classroom and noticed George awkwardly sitting alone, he went over and sat next to the British.

"Are you liking the school so far?" Dream asked George quietly

"Y-yeah" George answered and looked at his notebook "I have only seen the cafeteria tho, I sat at a table with Bad and Skeppy for like 20 minutes"

"They only argued about something probably" Dream guessed

George giggled and said "Yup" Dream laughed and rolled his eyes playfully

"Typical of them"

The teacher arrived and started her history lecture, George couldn't concentrate and instead decided to just stare at the boy next to him. Every time Dream would move an inch George would look back to the teacher. He hoped Dream wasn't noticing because that would be awkward.

°Dream's POV°

I could see George staring at me, so I did small movements and watched him freak out. He looked cute all squirmy and flustered.

The class ended and everybody started leaving the classroom, George was packing his stuff rather quickly while I took my time

"I saw you staring," I said and admired as his face went from normal to a red plump tomato color "you couldn't stop admiring my beauty, couldn't you?"

~You are my dream~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora