Chapter 14

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back to school


Dream and Sapnap both woke up early in the morning for their school day, but the truth was that none of the 5 people living in the house had slept at night. The nerves of Dream being exposed to the world kept George awake at night, he knew perfectly that Dream was still hurting yet, it had been 2 months since he went outside so a little bit of change would help him.

The two boys walked downstairs where Marissa and George prepared breakfast: pancakes. The couple was dancing and laughing all around the kitchen, Dream just looked through the door as they ran across the kitchen and George laughed loudly that the whole neighborhood could hear him. George finally caught Marissa and they cackled, Marissa tried to break free but George only made her get closer, their faces were inches apart. Dream watched with horror as they melted with a sweet kiss. Marissa broke the kiss and began running again while George followed her quickly after a few minutes George noticed Dream staring and went to him, George held Dream's hand and guided him to the. Dream's eyes started getting watery, so he just turned around and went to the car, slamming the door behind him. Sapnap followed him and they both sat in the car, Sapnap behind the wheel.

"What's your problem dude," Sapnap said to Dream referring to the door, after a few seconds which felt eternal Sapnap finally figured it out "oh my god you are jealous" Sapnap looked at Dream jokingly "you have a crush on George~" Sapnap did a weird girly sound to which Dream rolled his eyes "I am so telling Karl about this, Dreamy" Sapnap laughed at the nickname they had for Dream, but then he remembered something just as he turned on the car "Wait, where's Karl?"

"No idea" Dream answered "and please don't tell George"

"Ugh fine, but I'm totally telling Karl"

Karl came out of the house shortly after and got in the car quickly, his excuse was that his alarm didn't work. The three boys just listened to the radio and the noises outside the car, just as they could see the school, Sapnap stopped abruptly and turned around to see Karl in the eyes.

"Dreamy here has a crush," Spanap said with a smirk "and it is-"

"George" Karl interrupted looking at his phone

The two other boys looked back to Karl with a surprised look.

"What? It is pretty obvious" Dream scoffed and looked back at the road "We are gonna be so late"

Sapnap then remembered the classes and went back to driving to college. They were freshmen so they had a special parking lot, which was by now very full so looking for a parking spot was a real nightmare. After a few minutes, they finally found a parking lot and Sapnap turned the car off and looked back at Dream.

"Okay, Clay remembers the football tryouts are today at 5 don't be late, we will meet at the library at 4:30 to have time to get to the field" Sapnap turned around and looked at Karl "Karl we meet here at the parking lot at 6, we won't wait for you, if you are late we are going home without you" Sapnap and Karl laughed and then got out of the car, Dream followed them shortly after and texted George they arrived safely.

They entered the school quickly and went to their lockers. Karl and Sapnap had theirs together and Dream had his at the other side of the hallway. Dream just started to stack his books and notebooks on the locker praying that everyone just ignored him, so he didn't have to make friends. Like, don't him wrong, he liked having people that cared about him, but the idea of making new friends seemed boring. He watched as a kid opened the locker next to his and grabbed the chemistry book and, 3 muffins?

"Hey? Need help?" The boy said

"N-no sorry" Dream stuttered and looked at his feet quickly hitting his head with the locker's door, gaining a giggle from the other.

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