Chapter 3

126 3 3

At least we have a roof

"Wait, what?!" was the only thing that went out of George's mouth. He wasnt rich, why would they rob his house? "Im gonna call Dante, maybe he saw something"

George away to call Dante, while Sapnap and Dream just stood there.

"We could stay at your moms place" said Sapnap

"Oh, yeah sure" Dream said nervously "But, its very small..."

"No problem dude, are there enough beds?"

"I think so, Im not sure"

Sapnap openes his mouth to say something, but a very angry George walked towards them.

"I know who did this!" he paused when everybody looked at him. "Stacy Lavough, she stayed alone in the apartment when me and Dante left."

And it was solved, but they still didnt have nowhere no sleep, so they would need to go to Dream's apartment for christmas and then go to Nick's for New Year. This idea was pointed by Sapnap and Dream couldnt let them stay on the streets, especially since christmas was around the corner.

Dream told them to follow him and they went to the aparyment. While his friends seemed a little relieved they had somewhere to sleep, Dream was very anxious. They would ask to meet his mother, and wonder why he was actually in London, and he couldnt lie to them anymore.

"Well, we are here" Dream said with a fake excitement.

The apartment was quite big and luxurious. It had 3 rooms, one of them whith a jakuzzi and the other two where normal rooms. One of the rooms had a matrimonial bed and the other had an individual bed, both of them with a bathroom and an extra bathroom on the living room. 

"Woah, nice apartment dude" said Sapnap entering the living room.

"Yeah, is this your mother's?" asked George naively "Does she mind us staying here?"

Dream took a deep breath and told them to sit down.

"I got to be honest with you guys" he stopped and took a deep breath "I'm not staying with my mother"

"Then, why are you here?" asked George

"I-" Dream stopped and took another deep breath "I am here for the funeral of an old friend, I kept it a secret because it is very painful for me" he felt tears coming down his eyes and landing on his sweats, this was very hard for him "we had a friendship of more than ten years and-"

They heard a knock on the door and Clay stood up and opened just to see a face he knew before...

Authors Note:
Thank you for reading!! Sorry for the short chapter, I didnt want to leave you without chapter today.

Thats it for today

Ba byee

word count: 456

~You are my dream~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt