Chapter 12

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the room


 I just opened a twitter account because, why not? so go follow me @rogersitini. I changed the tiltle ofthe chap, this one fits better lol.

 Maybe vote?? I'm a clout chaser ;) 

George and Sapnap walked through the house slowly and looking at every detail. There were bottles on the floor, a porcelain vase was shattered on the stairs, and there was a small coffee table flipped over to the stairs. When they got up the stairs they saw that the second floor was surprisingly worst than the one they just been to. There were a ton of glass bottles on the floor, along with objects that were in shelfs before. Dream used to have a small glass box where he kept his merch, but now, it was ripped open with all the merch scattered on the ground. Just as they were about to open Dream's bedroom door they heard a loud knock from the main entrance.

"Can you open that?!" Marissa yelled from inside the room refering to the knock.

George and Sapnap walked back throught the mess that used to be a family home, a home where a family used to enjoy holidays, where two children grew up. But now, this was a house full of pain, that couldnt be called home again. The rooms were desserted and the decorations, at least most of them, where smashed on the ground. The thing Sapnap couldn't help to think about was that the destroyed vase had spider webs and dust, it wasn't recent. But, George couln't help but wonder who was knocking the door, and screaming to let them inside, he wasn't sure if they could trust whoever was outside after the incident on the funeral. The pair finally got to the entrance and Sapnap was the first to talk.

"Who are you?" Sapnap said loudly enough for the outsider to listen "What do you want?"

"I'm Karl!" the unknown said back "please let me in"

Sapnap started opening the door when George stopped him "What if he's trying to hurt him or something" George whispered "If that happens I'll kick him out myself" Sapnap replied softly giving a reassuring smile to George.

As soon as the door opened a short boy ran inside and went directly to the stairs, Sapnap and George followed him throught the stairs and just as they were about to enter the room Sapnap covered George's eyes.

"Dude" George replied "What?"

"Oh god..." Sapnap replied, George nose was full of the smell of blood and alcohol, but just as George was getting out of Spanap's grip he felt himself been pushed out the room and after finally able to see again, he saw the same corridor as before "Okay, you don't want to see that"


"SAPNAP HELP ME" Dream screamed from inside the room "GET AWAY FROM ME" then a loud thud.

After the luod noise Karl stormed out the room crying and slid down the wall to sit on the floor and then put his legs on his chest crying. Sapnap went and sit next to him "You are the Karl guy that played with us once right?" 

"Yeah" Karl replied "It hurts seeing him like this, and knowing I can't help him, Wilbur would know exactly what to do and I-I just-" he buried his head into Sapnap's hoodie with low cries.

George couldn't help but wonder what was happening inside the room and he decided to just take a peek. Sapnap was busy with Karl so George opened the door a little bit and froze. Tears started running down his eyes, Marissa and Dream where on the floor, she was curing him slowly, his leg had a huge cut, but that wasn't the worst thing. There were tons of empty licuor bottles on the ground, the floor had a mixture of vodka and blood. George gagged and then noticed the white dust on the floor, he moved from where he was. And he saw it. Dream's face. He was in pain, physical and mental, with his eyes red from crying, but in his mouth he had a smile a huge smile, then he noticed George and moved Marissa's hands from his leg.

"It was a accident, I fell and a glass cut my skin" he said slowly and looked at George's two colored eyes"I love your eyes have I ever told you that?" Dream started laughing and tears formed slowly in both of their eyes "Wilbur also has the prettiest eyes, well, I guess he had before he overdosed and opened his head in half" Dream laughed harder and looked at Marissa and then to George again "can I get another bottle, please?"

"George..." Marissa said keeping her eyes on Dream's leg "get out" she said coldly.

George  left the room slowly and closed the door behind him, Sapnap said something to him but the could hear him all he could hear was Dream's laugh. A laugh thet would normally make him smile and giggle, his laugh made him feel a warmth and feeling of security he never felt with no one else, but now, his smile made him feel powerless. He knew his bestfriend was inside hurting, yet he couldn't do anything to stop it, he was powerless. Even Marissa that just met him knew how to help him, George felt a huge crack on his heart as he heard that Dream's laugh turned into screams, painful screams.  

George wiped the tears and went down stairs. He went to the laundry room and cleaned the kitchen, that's the least he could do to help Dream.

~You are my dream~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora