Chapter 11

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old stories

George and Marissa arrived to Dream's house about 10 minutes after the call. They stayed in a car and watched were Dream lived.The house was white on the outside with a yellow roof, it looked like it used to have flowers and plants all around the path to the door, but they were all dead. The rock path to get to the house had mold, and the house seemed to be abandoned. The paint was starting to rip and reveal the gray walls underneath which made the house look very spooky. The house was nothing like Dream used to describe it, it was his mother's house before, and she is a gardener so, what happened? George thought.

"This doesn't look like a 2 months mess, you know" Marissa told george "its very spooky, are you sure you want to enter" George looked at her for just a few seconds before answering.

"What? of course I want to go" George paused and looked at the placein front of him "its just that, I think you aren't talking about the outside of the house. I feel like you are scared of what we will find inside"

Marissa didn't answer, but instead she opened the door and got out of the car. George followed her and they walked the path to the entrance of the house, but just as George grabbed the knob she said coldly "I'm not scared of him, but you should be"

"What- what do you mean?" George stopped and looked at her in the eyes.

"Just grab my hand, and lets go inside" George obeyed and grabbed her hand, it was warm and soft just like the rest of her skin. Her purple nails were stabbing George's hand, he could sense she was nervous when he opened the door, and with all reason.

The house on the inside was cold and dark. When Marissa turned the lights on, George could see the house now. It had white walls with pictures of Dream and his family, he has a sister, huh George though while looking at a huge picture, his sister looked a lot like Dream. She looked tall in the picture, she had blonde hair and a few pink streaks. She had Dream's eyes, yellow for George, which were round and deep, her cheeks were pink and had freckles all around her face. George then looked at Dream's father, he had a strong figure and was blonde like Dream's sister. But, just as George wanted to look if Dream was in the picture he saw the picture was ripped were Dream's face should be, the picture frame was broken and spilled on  the floor. Somebody ripped Dream from the picture.

"Hey!" He heard someone call him "Come on, he is in the room" George turned around and saw Sapnap "Oh yeah, that picture is creepy" George went back to looking at the glass on the floor.

"Y-yeah, have you seen Mari?" George studdered.

"She is already in the room" George finally looked at Sapnap in the eyes, thats when Sapnap noticed George's teary eyes "Hey, what's wrong?" 

"N-nothing" Sapnap gave him a desbelief face and sat George on the floor, him sitting in front of the older "What abou Dr-"

"He can wait" 

"I never told anyone... its just hard" George breathed trembling and cleaned the tears in his eyes "My dad wasn't very great, when I was growing up I learned to be and do exactly what my father wanted, he used to be strict but gentle.But, everything changed when-" George paused and took a deep breath before he continued talking "he changed and made everyhting hard for my mother and me, he started to get angrier and angrier at unimportant stuff. One day, when I came back from school my parents weren't there and the picture of us was ripped in half" George wasn't crying anymore, he just smiled weakly at Sapnap "I found my mother again, but my father, he lost contact"

"Dude, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell us?" Sapnap paused and then talked again "Why didn't you tell me...?"

"Its just hard to talk about it sometimes, even though its been almost 5 years" George said and stood up from the floor handing his hand to Sapnap. He gently took his friend's hand and stood up "Now lets help Clay" George said enthusiaticly and went to Dream's room.

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