Chapter 16 Part 3

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AN: Norman and Ray :D. Please enjoyy and comment hehe love u-

3 months since she left.

"Sapnap! Clay! Get your asses to school!" George shouted to the boys upstairs. They both came running down the stairs quickly "you have final exams, yet you couldn't manage to wake up on time"

"Sorry," they both said like scolded children

"Have a nice day" George said while they left for Dream's car "and don't forget to go pick up your one-month chip Clay!" George shouted as they got in the car. Dream gave him a thumbs up and sat on the passenger seat.

They arrived at school quickly and ran to their classroom. You could feel the tension from all the students, this was the most important test of the year, this test defined if you graduated or not. Dream grabbed his pencil and started answering the test slowly, the three friends had been studying together for months, and he felt ready. He looked at Sapnap and he looked confident while scribbling in his test.

After 2 hours the test was finally over and both boys went to the cafeteria for their well-deserved break. There they saw Bad and Skeppy arguing about something, Dream couldn't care less. They all sat together at a table and started a small uninteresting conversation. Dream couldn't help but wonder what George was doing since they kissed George seemed distant. They all missed Marissa and knew deep inside them she wasn't coming back, George had said multiple times that she was a liar and she didn't know how to leave him, so the only option was to fake disease and leave. Dream knew she wasn't lying because she told him about her heart condition, but why wasn't she back?

"Dreaaaam" Bad said while passing his hand in front of Dream's eyes "how do you think you did in the exam?"

"Fine" Dream answered without doubting "I studied a lot"

"Today you are getting your one-month chip, right?" Bad said happily and clapped. Dream couldn't help but think about Tubbo whenever they won a game.




The three freshmen showed him compassion, justice, and empathy. He couldn't stop himself from feeling guilty for never texting or calling them, after the accident he just couldn't bring himself to talk to them. He remembers seeing them at the funeral. Tubbo and Ranboo were crying, but Tommy still maintained a straight face.

"Clay?" Sapnap said and took him back from his thoughts

"Oh yeah sorry" Dream said and looked back at Bad "yeah, I need to go pick it up"

"I am very proud of you" Bad said and stood up "well, I have my test right now, wish us luck!"

Skeppy stood up as well and they disappeared from Dream's eyesight, not that he was paying attention, he was still thinking about his old friends.

The recess was over and Dream had algebra class, it was his last class so he and Sapnap were going back home early. After his class was over the two boys met at the car, there they saw Karl coming out of the building and coming towards them.

"Hey, haven't seen you in a while," Karl said looking only at Sapnap "can you give me a ride home?"

Sapnap nodded and Karl got in the car excitedly. The ride home was filled with Karl's laughter and singing, Dream wondered why they haven't seen him since weeks ago, he remembered he used to live with them, but just left one day.

Dream got out of the car and into the house. George was cooking a pineapple pie and had made a delicious meal.

"Hey guys, look what I got" George took a small coin out of his pocket. Dream's one-month chip and gave it to Dream "I am very proud of you"

Dream took the coin and looked at it, why is everybody making such a big deal about a coin? Dream though and started eating.

One person was inside all of their minds as they served the pie.

"George, I'm sure she will be back don't-" Dream started saying as he saw George's emotionless face

"She won't be back" George interrupted "she left me, she left all of us" he got up and threw his pie into the trash.


She can't be gone, can she? She moved from England just to help George, why would she leave George without notice?  Dream though.

¬A month ago¬

Truth to be told she wasn't gone, she was really going to the hospital. The trip to Seattle was taking her way too long. She had been driving for 3 days already, even though it was a 2-day trip by car. It was already dark outside, and she had been driving for hours and didn't sleep. That joined with her heart condition wasn't ideal. But, she couldn't stop, the only thing that kept her driving was seeing George as fast as posible.

As she drove to the hospital her eyes started closing. She tried hard to keep them open, but they weren't giving in. And, instead of stopping the car, she kept driving, She thought she could fight it but... she couldn't.

She closed her eyes for a second, just one second. 100 milliseconds. 

That may seem like not enough time, but it was what took two soulmates to kiss and what took Marissa to lose control of the car. 

As Marissa tried to take the wheel she lost breath, she was going to die. The car immediately crashed down a hill and stomped on a lake. The car sank fastly and water entered through the windows and doors. Marissa knew it was the end yet she still tried to break free from the car, she then remembered the air mask in her back seat. George bought it for her if this ever happened,  but Marissa kept it for the times she lost breath due to her condition. The oxygen lasted for 6 hours but eventually, she felt as she was getting out of air. She was just sitting there for 6 hours, regretting coming on this trip. She regretted not telling George she was leaving and never saying  I love you. She was totally underwater, surrounded by the liquid, so she gave up, who would have thought you were created surrounded by water in the womb and she would die surrounded by water. 

The air then ran out. 

Marissa took her last breath with a smile. At least, George loved her. Even if it was just for a second.

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