Chapter 4

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Marissa? What was she doing here? Was the only thought on Dream's mind, but still politely let her in.

"Hey, what happened I went to your building and you weren't there" She said looking at George "There were police officers, and I saw a girl getting arrested"

"Oh yeah long story, take a seat!" said George happily

They kept talking but Dream wasn't listening, he just looked at Marissa. She was wearing a light blue dress with a big neckline, it looked perfect on her. Her hair was in a bun and had a few rebel hairs on her forehead. She was beautiful. George's type.

He then looked at George , his face had a little red toning on his cheeks, he was watching her talk and then sometimes responding, he looked at her a way HE had never been loked at. What he would give to have George admire him this way. He saw George laugh lightly at something she said and looking at her lovingly, his breath was light and he looked amazed by whatever she was saying. HE just stood there while his eyes slowly went to the floor, George really liked Marissa and it looked like Adam did too, he could hear both of them laughing at her jokes. HE wished to be her, to make George laugh, to make George smile and to make George want him, as much as HE desired George. But that wouldnt happen. At least not with Marissa around and her perfect hair, her perfect voice, her perfect body. She was perfect.

"Oh god, its already 10 pm, I should get going" Marissa said while gathering her things "Dream thank you for letting me stay here for the afternoon"

"Uh, yeah" Dream said in almost a whisper

She hugged all three of them and then waved goodbye while leaving.

"Dude, she's so into you!" Nick said immediately "Right, Dream?"

Dream just nodded and looked away.

"Oh come on, she would never look at me!" said George "Did you see her? With that dress, she looks like a supermodel!"

Each word carved deep into Dream, even though they seemed inocent, he could feel them piercing through his heart and ripping him, he didnt show it but the whole chat Sapnap and George where having about her beauty made Dream sick.

"I got to go to the bathroom, be right back!" Dream stood up without waiting for a response.

George kept repeating Marissa in his mind, that drees looked so perfect on her! But he didnt want to tease his friends, so him and Sapnap started watching a movie. Dream came back 30 minutes later and just drank a glass of water.

"How are we going to sleep?" asked Sapnap while the credits of the movie started rolling

"There are two rooms, one has an individual bed and the other a mtrimonial bed" Dream said slowly, he still feeled dizy "So, one person stays in the individual ro-"

"ME!" interrupted Sapnap yelling and running to the room with his luggage

"Well I guess that means one of us gets the couch, or we sleep in the same bed, is quite big, isn't it?" said George while standing up and gathering his own stuff

"Oh-um ye-yeah, you get the bed, i'll sleep in the couch!" said Dream quickly

"Dream's bed is relly big" said Sapnap entering the room "you could share"

"If its okay with Dream, what do-" George began saying

"Yes!" Dream scremed without thinking, making the other two to burst into laughter.

"I guess we'll sleep together"

Authors Note:
Hey, sorry for the short chapter, today is my mom's birthday

Im already working on Chapter 5, it will be posted later today

Thank you for reading :)

Ba bye

word count: 630

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