Chapter 16 Part 2

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|Flashback continues| on 3rd person

"Quackity" Dream said and hugged his friend

"Haven't seen you since you came here for Wilburs birthday" Quackity said excitedly but stopped and rethought was he was going to say, "I'm so sorry man, he was very important to you"

"Don't worry man" Dream said with a smile and gave Quackity a light punch in the arm

"What brings you to Las Nevadas?" Quackity said and then looked back at Jared "and this is?"

"I'm Jared," He said standing up and gave his hand to Quackity "nice to meet you" Quackity just gave a do I trust him? look to Dream and the taller just nodded back.

"Nice to meet you," Quackity said and removed his hand from the uncomfortable handshake with Jared "have you had a tour through the place, Jake?"

"It's Jared," he answered and looked at Dream "and no, Clay just told me to bring him here"

"Dream" Quackity corrected Jared and said "we use surnames here"

Jared just nodded as he saw another person come through the door.

"We are here to talk to Quackity about something important," The mysterious woman said as she approached Quackity and handed him a note. He read and his face went from a smile to a cold stare to the note.

Quackity looked back at Sam and his happy mood returned "Take Dream and Jacob to the VIP lounge, they are our guests tonight!" Quackity looked at the women and said "So, lets treat them as guests"

Sam took the visitors to another room where they got free drinks and privacy. The room was beautifully decorated, the chairs and tables looked perfect with the walls, and the plants looked alive and healthy. The music in the background was soft and almost unhearable. Of course, Jared didn't know that Dream was sobering up, so Dream was free to drink as much as he wanted. And that is what he did. Jared eventually decided to go and left Dream alone at the bar, the blonde just thought about Wilbur the whole night. He remembered all the nights he spent there with Will and the football team, Wilbur would always make sure Dream drank responsibly and they would care for each other, but now that he was gone, who would take care of him?

The hours passed and eventually at 2 am Dream decided to go back home. He knew George and Sapnap would be disappointed, gosh, even Karl would be disappointed. He had spent almost 2 months sober for nothing.

Dream stepped outside only to find one big truth: Jared brought him there. Dammit. He was now in the middle of nowhere with no car or cash. He was too drunk to drive anyways, so he would need to walk home. Did he know the way home? no. But, that didn't stop him. He started walking back, wishing hardly for Wilbur to come back and take care of him.

|At Dream's house|

George finally got Dream's mysterious friend's phone number. His name was Jared and he drove Wilbur and Dream to their parties before everything. He got the phone from bad, which he called as soon as possible knowing he would probably know of a party Dream would go to or anything, the truth was, Jared drove bad and Skeppy to a concert the week before, so he gave George the number. George didn't go into detail trying not to make bad worry,

George called 3 times until he got a response. Jared, drunk, told George that he and Dream went to Las Nevadas and that he left early, so Dream was probably still there. George went for his coat and told Sapnap to come with him. They both sat in the car and started driving to the bar. Halfway there, Sapnap saw a man lying in the street and immediately recognized his friend. They both got out of the car and looked at him.

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