Chapter 8

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Nick noticed the sobs started getting stronger and stronger by the second, but then suddenly Dream raised his head and started talikng in between cries.

"I just wanted to go to the stupid- to the stupid party, I-he warned me it wasn't a chill party, but I didn't listen" he stopped and cleaned his cheeks from the tears "I-I am an idiot, he would still be here if it wasn't for MY fault" he stopped and started getting out of the car "I need to go, I just can't bail his mother" 

Sapnap tried to stop him but he went back to the funeral.

°Dream's POV°

I could hear Sapnap yelling me to come back, but I couldn't, what if I hurt him? What if I hurt George? I just hooked up like 3 hours ago with his crush. I'm already hurting him.

I returned slowly to the funeral and looked at the people gathered. Most of them where either sad or uncomfortable, but there where some people witha different emotion. 


Towards me.

These people where mostly the ones that saw me with Wibur dying in my arms, they though I murdered him. 

"Killer" a guy whispered when passing aside me and bumping my arm, and I just stood there.

Looking at nowhere I realized I left my friends in the car and probably should go there, I was turning back to the car when I heard a familiar voice.

"What are YOU doing here" 

"Please, leave me alone Dylan" I said and try to walk away, but he just grabbed my arm and pulled me to the floor. At this point everyone was staring and judging me.

"You killed Wilbur, don't you EVER FORGET IT" he screamed at me and left. I saw Niki coming towards me and guiding me to the car.

°Back to third person, when Dream left his friends in the car°

"What the fuck" sapnap said 

"You're with Clay right?" a pink haired girl said, she had a kind look an her face, and her eyeliner was ruined probably by the tears, she looked at the seat and kept getting on the car when Marissa nodded at her, reassuring she had permission to seat on the car. 

"But, who are you?" George asked the girl "where do you know Clay from?

"Oh, yeah, I'm Niki" she answered and sat on the car "Wilbur and Clay's old friend"

George and Sapnap looked at Marissa, the strawberry blonde girl kept staring at the new girl sitting on her car, trying to find any sign of lying, there wasn't "You know what happened, right?"

"I was there actually..." she said and looked at her tights, but she didn't look sad, she was relieved "he wasn't murdered by Clay, that's all I can say, so please, when he tells you what happened do not let him blame himself. Most of his friends think he murdered him, but its WAY more complex than that... Let me tell you what happened"

She took a deep breath and started telling the most traumatic and sad moment she had ever been through "It was a very dangerous party. But it was the last time we would see each other in two weeks....

The party was in the school and the teachers weren't there, so I didn't go, I'm not a big party girl. I knew Clay and Will were going because  I heard them talking about it on class, but I still wasn't planning to go, anyways I had to catch a plane in the morning, so sleeping seemed like a better choice, bad idea. The party was loud so I couldn't sleep, so I wanted to make coffee. My water was finished so I went downstairs to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, the cafeteria of the school was far away from the party, like exactly the other way from the party, so I knew I wouldn't meet anybody. On the way I saw tons of people offering drugs and alcohol, which seemed like the party was just on its best. I looked at my watch, 1:56 am, yeah the party was at its best. I kept walking to the cafeteria and started hearing screams, not like asking for help, just angry fighting screams. I tought it was maybe a couple fighting and it was getting heated, but then I recognized one of the voices, it belonged to Clay, I couldn't hear what they were saying and I just stood looking at the door for like 5 minutes until I heard another voice, Wilburs. He was screaming, but not as loud as Clay. Another 10 minutes passed and I know because I looked at my watch and the time was 2:11, but just as I was looking at my watch I heard a loud thump and Clay screaming like crazy for help. I rushed into the cafe to see Clay on the floor holding Wilburs head while blood spilled on the ground, I froze and looked at Will. He had a small smile forming and said softly to Clay: thank y-you, for all this years o-of friendship. He took his last breath in Clay's arms while the blonde's tears dropped on Will's face. I screamed at Clay what had happened and he just answered: he took a ton of pills and threw himself to the floor, call the ambulance! We both panicked and called 911, but that took the attention of a ton of people and they just gathered on the cafeteria door looking at Clay crying loudly on the floor and a dead Wilbur being taken by the police"

Just as she stopped talking, Niki went back to the funeral and then came back to the car with Clay. The blonde got in the car and Marissa started driving.

Clay wasn't crying he was just sitting numb in the seat while his friends tried to keep their eyes away from him.

Niki watched the car go away and her mind went back to the day she lost Will. A tear rolled down her cheek while she waved them goodbye.

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