Chapter 17

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Why is it so important to you?

TW: Suicide description. I know I don't normally add TW for the sake of spoilers, but this one required it. If triggered read until the underlined letters (TW STARTS HERE), you can just skip until it says TW ENDS HERE.

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5 months passed since the night of the disaster, and just now the storm was beginning to calm down. George had given up the idea Marissa was hurt or in an accident, instead, he just convinced himself she left him. Dream and Sapnap were already enjoying the beginnings of June and went to a pool party, so it was just George in the house.

The brunette cleaned the porch and looked at his surroundings, he hadn't noticed how his neighbors to the front had a black golden retriever. The dog seemed trained and calm, he layed beside Micheal, the 5-year-old of the neighbors. The kid had a cherry popsicle that he licked once in a while, but the sun was melting the dessert causing it to drip on the street, where the dog drank happily the small droplets that landed slowly. George started cleaning the windows while the child ran up to his house with his popsicle stick. After finishing the windows George decided to wait for the summer sun to calm down before continuing with his chores.

While waiting, George sat at the blue hammock on the porch and observed the house he now knew as his palm. They had mostly restored most of it. The plants were now alive and healthy, thanks to Karl being the owner of a flower shop and the constant reminders of George. The front of the house had a fresh coat of white paint, and the yellow roof was just cleaned by Sapnap last week. The rock path was now clean and there were even decorative gnomes guarding the house. If you passed in front of the house you wouldn't think it was abandoned like before George came, the house was now abundant of life and looked taken care of. Everything from the house was restored or replaced, except for the ripped painting.

The British had tried a couple of times to get rid of it, but Dream would always stop him, he said that it reminded him of his dark days, and it was important for him to knew his past to create a new future, that's a bunch of crap George answered every time and the topic wasn't taken back. George thought it was a bunch of crap, it was an old creepy painting and made the house look bad, so it was kept in the trophies room.

For Dream, it wasn't a load of crap. He wanted that painting in the house. It did remind him of the day his family left him, but it also reminded him f his siblings, even though his brother didn't appear in the picture he still remembered him perfectly. His two siblings looked the same, maybe because they were twins. The blonde hair was a strong gene, even though his mother had brown hair, that's why Dream wasn't completely blonde like his siblings, but a dirty blonde. His father was blonde and gave the trait of blue eyes to his twin brother and sister, but Dream had green eyes like his mother's. In the picture they were all wearing blue sweaters, his sister had a small butterfly pin stopping her hair from falling to her face, her lips had a pineapple smell lipgloss that plumped her lips, her lashes were curled and with just enough mascara to make her eyes the center of attention on the whole photo, and what Dream liked the most was her smile, she had just won the championships with her volleyball team, again, and she was holding her trophy proudly.

That photo was the only thing he had left of her.

He was close to both of his siblings, so he missed them. Truth be told, he missed his complete family. He missed being part of something bigger, he would say as a joke that they would be disappointed in him, but he knew they would. He made a mistake that caused his family to leave, he failed them. The only person that knew about his family was Wilbur because when they left he was hanging out with Dream. Sapnap didn't know why they left though, for now, because Dream planned on telling him soon. The only person that knew about his secret was Marissa, but because she figured it out herself. So, the two people that knew about Dream deeply were death, perfect.

~You are my dream~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя