Chapter 16

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bar & casino

"I won't be back for a month,"

Yeah right.

2 months have passed since Dream received this text, yet no news has been heard from the girl.

George had finally given in to the idea something was wrong, and that she wasn't at a hospital. He would sit at the porch every day just waiting for her car to arrive, and surprise, she was nowhere to be found. He called the hospital 3 times a day, and the answer was always either "Marissa Burgeois, sorry haven't heard about her" or "George stop calling, if we know anything about her, we will call you". He cried himself in his empty bed waiting for her arrival, but he couldn't break down. He had to stay sane for the sake of Dream. Him and Sapnap were almost in finals and needed to concentrate on school work. So, it wasn't an option, Marissa wouldn't like that.

At least that's what he liked to think.

On the other hand, Dream was having a hard time. After his rejection by George and Marissa's disappearance Dream wasn't in his right mind. He and Sapnap busted their asses off studying, yet Dream's mind always went back to the day the text was sent.

|Flashback starts| on Dream's POV

I was lying unconscious on a street somewhere just repeating my last conversation with George in my head, just picturing his face as he said the 3 words that shattered my heart in a million pieces. The 3 words that were the death of me.

"I-I have Marissa," George said stuttering and looked back at me with his big hazel eyes which weren't portraying its normal happiness, but instead sorrow and disappointment, two emotions I had grown familiar with. I couldn't keep looking at him and went on and called someone I have not called for a while. He said he was on his way and I went on and grabbed some money and my house keys.

He just stood there. George just stood there and watched me leave. That showed how much he cared, didn't it?

I saw the car arriving, and just then I heard them calling my name.

"Hey wassup Dream," The driver said

"Not much, thanks for coming for me Jared, you are always there for me, and I-" I was interrupted by George and Sapnap knocking in my window "Wait," I said and opened the window.

"Where are you going?" Sapnap weakly said while trying to open the door desperately

"My friend is just in town I'm going to visit him," I lied, well not completely "I'll be back late, don't wait for me" I looked at George who looked confused, and then his eyes started to water.

"Please Dream, you were doing so good" George cried out. And yeah, I was doing SO good.

I wanted to get out of the car and hold George until he stopped worrying, but my heart was still aching at his cold words from before, so what came out of my mouth was "You have Marissa" Sapnap stopped pulling the car door and instead looked at me in the eyes with a mix of disappointment and anger. I rolled the car window back up and started insignificant small talk with Jared.

The car suddenly stopped and I saw what I was most afraid of. In front of us was a giant building that had purple and blue lights shining, with strippers and drunk men everywhere. This was the most prestigious bar & casino in all of Florida. People traveled just to come to this place, with its red tables filled with, mostly illegal bets, and games that drove your mind crazy. The most prestigious drinks and beverages are laid here, as well as the best entertainment. I haven't been there since Wilbur's death, so I was surprised Jared brought me there. But, to be honest, Wilbur and Jared weren't really friends, I always thought that Wilbur was in love with Jared.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my car window, I looked to the knocker and saw a familiar face. I quickly got out of the car and hugged my old friend.

"Hey dude," I said and looked at my green-haired friend "So nice to finally being able to see each other"

Jared stood behind me and said, "who is this?" He looked at the unknown man and gave him a glare

"Well Jared this is Sam, we met a couple of years ago, he built this place" I looked back at Sam and with a reassuring smile I continued talking "he always got me and Wilbur passes to enter"

"Hey," Sam said and smiling. He was wearing a black suit that had a little creeper pin on it. His hair was medium length and the color green to combine with the creeper.

I then walked back to the car and grabbed my coat only to feel a hand touching my shoulder asking for my attention. I looked back and Sam was looking at the guests' list. Shit.

"Um Dream, your name isn't in the list," Sam said and looked back at Jared "yours isn't either"

"I was just here to see, "the boss" I did small quotation marks with my fingers and then added, "we are friends, remember?"

Sam doubted but let us in any way, I noticed that Jared was looking at me since I said I was friends with the boss, I shrugged my shoulders and gave him an "I didn't lie" look, which was interrupted by us meeting with the door od the casino.

"Welcome to Las Nevadas!" Sam said and started to walk to the main area.

"This place is awesome what the hell," Jared said and looked at the amazing scenery in front of him.

Tables were arranged with different games, people were laughing or celebrating. The bar was huge and had more than 1000 beverages behind it, you could truly see how much the booze mattered to everybody there since the bar was full of people trying to be first in line. Water fountains decorated the walls, as well as stripper poles with exotic dancers in them moving their hips and doing tricks. Even though it was a casino or bar you could feel safe with all the guards everywhere.

They went to the private area and Sam instructed them to sit there until he brought "the boss" with them. Jared didn't talk at all he was just surprised by the place and enjoying a drink somebody gave him.

"Well, hello guys," somebody said behind them

"Oh it has been a while hasn't it" Dream paused and stepped in front of him "Quackity"


Part 1 of this chapter, might post tomorrow but probably not.

Hope you had a great day and have an awesome week!

Ty for 1.2K reads! you are the absolute best!!!

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