Chapter 15

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leaving a broken heart behind

maybe vote? ty <3

The days passed slowly as Dream regained confidence and the strength to continue going to class, he would say every day to George that the school days were repetitive, but the truth was that Dream enjoyed days with no surprises. But, Dream wouldn't say he hated the old days. He stopped streaming, and began to focus on the school and finding a job to help George with the bills. Because the truth is George and Sapnap were killing themselves to keep paying for Dream's house.

As HE walked back from school he wondered if he and George would have ever a chance, as a couple. His head wrapped around the idea of telling George his true feelings and finding out if he felt the same way, the only problem was: George didn't feel the same way, at least not anymore. HE didn't know but for years George was in love with him. With the purest type of love, undying love for a person he didn't even know the face of. George would fantasize about meeting him every time he heard the other's voice. HE had taken hours of sleep from George and had created a place in George's heart, his love for this faceless man only hurt him, so eventually, he gave up. It appears it wasn't such an undying love, it was a meant-to-die love. Because when George met Martha his heart completely forgot about that hopeless love and instead began tearing itself for what seemed to be true love.

HE remembered when George and Martha broke up, he would hear his best friend's cries through the phone as he wondered if he did something wrong. HE just wanted to know what to tell him, but he couldn't find the words, he knew that if he was with George he would never hurt him, he knew he and George could have a beautiful relationship, filled with love and sincerity, but well George wasn't ready for that. HE just stood by his friend giving him all the support he could through a phone. He could only wonder how someone would cheat on George. HE liked to say their love was meant to be, but George saw their future as impossible. But well, nothing is impossible, is it?

HE saw his house starting to appear from the distance, he used to run to his house every day just to meet with his parents. HE never talked about his parents, not because they were bad or abusive, they were perfect. His family was perfect. And nobody wants to hear about a perfect family. He came from a rich family, his siblings were perfect, athletic, and intelligent. But, there was one thing that wasn't perfect in his family, him. When his family went to important events he got high with his friends. His sister got a boyfriend and he fucked the first girl he met. His brother went to the most important hockey game of the year and he stayed home to do a party. He hated that house, especially the trophies room. Not because he was jealous of his sibling's trophies, he had his own, but because they reminded him of the football team, and mostly his mother.

His thought were stopped by him approaching the house, he took his schoolbag out of his shoulder and to the floor. He knelt and took out the key to open the door. Just as he entered he could smell something George was cooking in the kitchen. He walked through the just cleaned house and entered the kitchen where George was mixing a salad. He immediately saw Dream in the kitchen and smiled at him kindly.

"Hey, you are here early," George said happily and went back to the salad.

"My calculus class was canceled," Dream said and stood in front of George, he looked very overwhelmed "What else are you going to do?" he said looking at the salad

"There is chicken in the oven," George said looking at the half-cooked chicken"and I am doing pineapple cake, Marissa's favorite dessert" George pointed to the pineapple with his eyes and went back to cutting vegetables "But I don't know how to cut a friking pineapple"

"Okey, sound good" Dream said and grabbed his phone, he started to look at the phone and put on an apron.

"What are-" George said confused

~You are my dream~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora